A safe space to complain about jackass humans

Define “city”

Great idea for some, less so for others.

If Disney World can get people around efficiently and without cars then just about anywhere can with the right resource allocations. Yeah I know that’s unreasonable given the reality of corporate influence and the resulting car “culture”. But this topic has been beaten to death on here and this is as far as I’d like to engage.


ban cars in downtown urban centers


Disney World has the right density of people. Many cities do. Oklahoma City, for example, does not.

I’ll readily agree that car culture is a blight on the US and that we should do everything in our power to have it fuck right off. My main issue is that blanket assertions don’t work and have little effect on the people whom you’d most like to convince.

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start with the blanket assertions and work towards them

somebody gotta have a vision!


A few years back I had a guy assault me for this. dude followed me for five blocks on iirc 27th Ave E in the central district, even trying to gun it around the left side of the roundabouts and failing. when there finally was room to pass, he pulls alongside and starts screaming out his window about how I need to be doing 20 mph minimum. I’m like, dude, MLK Ave is one block over and you can go 30. Well he didn’t like that answer, gunned it up to the next corner and jumped out screaming about how he’s gonna beat my ass. He was easy to dodge though. Scene ends with me on the next block on the phone to 911 and guy getting back in his car and turning east toward MLK.

lol sorry for traumadumping, at least it’s the right thread


I guess most speed limit signs don’t actually specify if it’s minimum or maximum.

Was biking home last Friday evening. Came across an elderly couple and their be-gowned HS-graduating grandson stranded in their car in a roundabout. Got out to push, grandma got in the drivers seat. Granddad was old and couldnt push much , grandson was v plucky but wearing dress shoes and it was wet. Got them out of the middle of the road, but it was a bad spot. The decided they wanted to go up a hill into a nearby parking lot. We blocked traffic heading over there, and stalled out trying to get up the hill. The family was Black and we had a long line of white folks behind us waiting in their cars. Dude directly behind was a gym-bro looking dude driving a range rover, he laid on his horn and waited behind us while we struggled to push the car but did not stop to help. Several hetero white couples walked past, watched us struggling and continued on. Eventually we cleared traffic enough to pass, and a long line of white folks drove by, none helping. Every time a Black person drove by they stopped their car, got out and helped push. Eventually we accumulated a few people and we were able to push up the hill into the parking lot. Fuck this racist city and people who can’t be inconvenienced for a second to help someone and would rather just watch and honk from their luxury SUV.


Yesterday my coworker and I stopped to help push a woman’s car out of the road. We were all white though. But I did notice that all other white people honked except for a few black people, who helped. One of those things I guess.


which racist city is this?

Raleigh. Home of multi-story Chick-fil-a’s, extreme segregation etc.

We made the news a decade ago for essentially trying to re-segregate schools

I feel like that kind of thing wouldn’t have happened where I grew up in Louisiana, but then again, I 'spect it’s changed a great deal since I was there.

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The location of the sign was too good to ignore. Doubled back for this picture.


i’m standing in my car

standing in my car


See you got yer “heart full of hate” racists and ye got yet “white savior” type racists. The important thing is fuck em both and don’t dignify either with lesser-isms.


Where I grew up, overt racism was relatively common. Though, I don’t think that would’ve prevented white folks from helping out black folks when needed. It was an odd quirk of the culture I grew up in where people would demonstrate good manners in spite of whatever feelings they were having. Bit of a southern thing, like “bless your heart.”

Not trying to dignify anything really, just wondering if that kind of thing still exists there. Currently surrounded by “white savior” types unwilling to face or undo the systemic racism that’s endemic to “non-racist” California.

I mean, this happened in Seattle in the early 00s and resulted in a supreme court lawsuit (Seattle Parents vs. Public Schools) that more or less made it impossible to use race as an identifying factor when addressing racists systems. And let me tell you how many BLM signs are in my neighborhood.

this wouldn’t have happened in Raleigh when I was growing up - but its been overrun by techbros since. The south had and has plenty of overt racism, but my experience generally is that the confederate flag set will still get out to help anyone push their car out of the road regardless of race, especially if its an elderly couple. Rich white techies absolutely will not help anyone or make eye contact. Turns out all the BLM signs out front of the ultra-modern nu homes in historically Black neighborhoods are really just performance.


Yeah there is a big class element. I think the mentality may go something like… “Well why are they stuck there, it’s their own fault.” They don’t have AAA?
Or why did they run out gas in the first place? Working class or rural whites are more likely to chip in.


my broke ass hoosier self would love to sit down and have a beer and talk about this with yall