A safe space to complain about jackass humans

some bikeshare bikes have a spot for your phone on the shroud. that way you can be distracted while riding but retain both hands then forget your phone on the bike


I will refrain from sarcasm in the future


zero tolerance policy here i’m afraid.

for the record i think bikeshare bikes are awful. but i also think bikeshare is great

I’m happy to tuck in and follow when they just don’t know how to ride a bike but when I see that hunchback posture when they only have one and a half hands on the bars because they might get an IG message so they’re weaving across the lane so I can’t pass them … then I just want to check them into the fence.

you’ve got the root cause wrong here. they’re trying to follow their GPS navigation because they’re tourists/travelers. at least, this is what happens to me. not in new york where there are normal streets organized logically. but in other cities i’m not familiar with.

Yeah that. I have only ever used bikeshares when traveling, and in those cases I needed my phone at least occasionally for navigation.

for those with iPhones and apple watches, I find that Apple Maps is pretty great for bicycle navigation, it pings your watch for every turn. of course, trusting Apple Maps bicycle navigation may not be the wisest of choices

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It’s not the best, yeah, but the alerts on my wrist (with different vibration patterns to indicate left or right) is pretty nice

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One time in San Jose I saw a guy grab a share scooter and try and break it over his knee a few times. That having failed, he just stuffed it in the nearest trash can.

I heard you can buy a $10 thing online that lets you unlock them for “personal use”


was wondering how the kids were doing this, here I thought they were just uber Bluetooth hackers

Today I was running in the middle of the right hand lane at 6:00am on a quite side street that is closed to through traffic b/c of construction. This street can be used as a “short cut” in order to avoid a signal, but it involves 3 stop signs and anyone that thinks it is quicker is dumb. Anyway, a car turned onto it behind me, I didnt move over, they hovered behind me for about 5 seconds then floored it peeling out around me and almost careening onto the soft shoulder on the other side of the street. Was a nice RAV 4 with a stickfigure family on the back, the guy called me an idiot. I flipped him off. Kind of hoping it ruined his day b/c I am fine.


Should have blown him a kiss.


The most hilarious reaction I ever received was after I gave a baby crying gesture to a middle aged man in a big dumb truck with his wife in the passenger

I hope she’s alright


I have to add this to my repertoire as I remember you telling this story before.

My best recent one was sup and I just waving and smiling at a guy having a total mental breakdown because he was unable to squeeze between us and a tractor trailer as he tried to pass us in the right line on the interstate.


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This one worked for me this past summer - to my dismay. At a bottom of local hill there is a stop sign and then a climb. But it’s at a t-intersection with the turn to the left, my lane going straight, so I blow the stop sign, because I can do so safely and keep momentum. As soon as I do that I hear the tooooooooot of a motorcycle behind me. A few more toots and then a fossil riding a side car motorbike goes by yelling something I give him the crying move and he immediately gets in front of me and starts slowing down to block me. Once he’s going slow enough I attempt to pass again to avoid stopping and he continues to scream, spittle flying from his mouth. I wish I knew what he was saying but it was in French and I’m an anglo. In some ways it’s more funny when it’s meaningless noise. He passed again, yelling tooting and kept going thankfully.


People yelling in traffic is always meaningless noise no matter what language it’s in. I’m trying hard not to do it anymore.


I need to remember blowing a kiss.

Was riding to the local REI which is just a few miles from my house but is located in the depths of car-centric suburban hellscape that comprises 80% of the twin cities and some dude honked and yelled st me for taking the lane. I just flipped him off. Stupid to not blow a kiss


i like telling people to have a bless-ed day


Galaxy brain is just looking away atmo