A safe space to complain about jackass humans

I’m a huge fan of parking enforcement.
They get cars off the street so the street sweeper can clean! No flat tires for bikes, thank you.
It would be better if no one parked on the street ever, but that’s not where we are yet.
They also keep cars out of the bike lane and off the sidewalk!
I would love better infrastructure but since they are literally the only thing we have keeping cars in check for now, I’ll take it.
I don’t even feel bad for gig economy delivery drivers. They should be on scooters or e-bikes here. There is absolutely no reason to be in a car.


Bro u don’t just get to redesign 150 year old cities and every suburb that followed like that

I was thinking last night “why am I driving 5 miles to pick up a last minute item when it would be so much easier in a modern European style city” and then I realized I hate living in the US and want to move away


Best argument for living in New York is walking down the street to the bodega for a last minute dinner ingredient.




I think about this a lot, like maybe more than I should.


This is why I moved to a downtown when I came back. The idea of getting in the car every time I want to leave the house is so repulsive now.


I can’t say that I agree or disagree with @Rusty_Piton 's decision to not report. I don’t know what I’d do because to live here, in our particular place, is to feel like you’re at odds with the police department. they are not our friends and at best, they regularly make our lives more difficult, at worst they regularly murder people. the two times I called the police, once after witnessing a 17 year old executed in the back and head with a full clip, and another when I had two cold guns pressed against my head, the police department wthout any doubt made my experience significantly worse.

and these are the things that come into your head when you consider involving them in anything. fuck theyre in my head everytime I see a light blue striped cruiser. I, a large, confident, cis white man, feels threatened by them, its hard to imagine a situation where I bring that on someone else.

its allowed to be complicated

(I like PEO though)


Have you read Jessie Singer’s book “There are no Accidents” yet? It’s basically all about this, both road infrastructure and other examples. Good, rage-inducing read.


yeah that sounds particularly shitty. I’m actually curious because drunk driving is obviously super hazardous by itself and a person irresponsible enough to drink in a car, in a bike lane has already demonstrated they have no consideration for their own or others’ safety so in my mind that abdicates their entitlement to a good experience or consideration from others

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I absolutely agree with this as well, which is where I’m actually completely lost on what id do in this particular situation. I do know we watched the car next to us on the Dan Ryan a couple weeks ago pound modelos in bumper to bumper and decided to not call it in, just looked over and shook our heads.

no I have been avoiding this, and the high cost of free parking for that reason.

I still haven’t read my copy yet for the same reason

I feel this dilemma in my neighborhood a lot. There’s a lot of anti-social behaviors that have been tolerated over the years that I really wish would stop but for most of them I don’t think I’d be making a dent in it by calling the police. Hell, 311 basically pretends my zip code doesn’t exist most of the time. So I try to be judicious about what I’m reporting on 311 or whatever and basically never call the cops.

It’s like the sidewalk parking wars with the garage down the street that I had a few months back. 311 did basically fuck-all and those guys continue to park wreckers on the sidewalk to this day. They actively make the neighborhood a shittier place but the people who’ve been there longer than me seem to accept it so fine.

I want to chime in and say that our neighborhood “bodega”/market has finally reopened again after like a year off. It’s nice enough but the ~10 minute walk there at night is so shitty for all the above sorts of reasons that I can’t really get my excitement up


Why not? :person_shrugging:

Not saying to be smug, but seriously - the water is fine, come on over.

Come walk to the grocery store (and the train) and have multiple bike routes where you don’t need to constantly worry about getting run off the road.

And bike24 delivers next day


Because I’m part of the responsible sibling club I have to stick around WC USA until my mom and in-laws pass into the afterlife

We’re looking at Alsace


Srsly considering options when I head over there next August for the event I completely failed to see you at four years ago.


I get that. I’m sorry, that’s tough.

I’m on the other side of that club currently. My parents are either rapidly aging and/or lost deep in Q/Trump BS, and my sister is never going to move away.

for a lot of us, immigration depends on jobs and that can be a bigger challenge than jobs in the USA


This is kind of where I’m at
Tryna get the construction PM/consultant life

You better believe I looked into euro semiconductor factories

yeah, I get that. Not trying to pull a tech bro card here.

But I’m always surprised at the different backgrounds of people that manage to get visas (temporary, but still) without too much trouble. Berlin is getting kind of full, but historically they’ve been really open to people coming to work.

In fact, there was an artist/freelance visa that was really easily available for awhile. Maybe still?

I finally got my settlement permit after ~8 years? But every other permit was every 2 years.

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