A safe space to complain about jackass humans

who would win? a nice scenic ride along the water with a gentle incline, or this parking garage hell spiral


honestly the spirals arent terrible on a bike, but they are terrible for walking. you could cover the same elevation gain/loss in 1/4 of the distance with stairs.
i know not everyone can do stairs, but not having the option on foot usually sucks.


got another one— about 15 mins into gridlock caused by a freight crossing (front ave) a guy made a 10 point turn and exited thru a separated bike lane. I can excuse this in an emergency or you really have to poop but the guy looked like this

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Can’t trust any motherfucker with a flag flying out the back of his truck


I have seen pride flags and similar in Portland but generally yes

That looks like one of these trucks we call a “protest buster”

in my tent at my campsite currently and a family rolled up at 6am and loudly began setting up camp about 15 feet from my tent

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DUI car killer actually gets jail time, and a permanently suspended driver’s license.


Good. I hope he never experiences joy again in his life.


More of this, please.


Permanently suspended driver’s license should be a far more common thing honestly


if we permanently suspend driver’s licenses then the person drops out of the labor pool, making remaining labor slightly more expensive and thus costing the oligarchs money. far better to sacrifice 40,000 lives a year! do you want your goods to cost slightly more??


why? lots of people ride the bus.

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This is America. He’ll be driving without a license or insurance soon enough.


He will experience the joy of not piloting a motor vehicle ever again, god willing.

Oh man this one pissed me off

The “running into mob of bike riders” headline is quite literal! The cyclists are definitely all over the road but the guy definitely decides to drive straight into the group

The brick to the window being thrown by somebody he’d already knocked off their bike! AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHHH

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Fuck yea dude

After seeing car #25 totally smashed up in the parking lane I never rode on that street except where I have no choice. Fucking two lane highways in a residential part of MPLS

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oh sorry, couldn’t make the turn with my giant semi. mind if i borrow some of your bike lane so I can get out of here?


City installed new separate cycle path. However, it crosses the on and off ramps of a freeway coming around a blind curve. There are no lights, only a pedestrian sign. It scares the absolute shit out of me and will murder someone who cant get accross a road as fast as I can. There is no safe place for cars to stop without being rearended, there is no safe way for cars to stop for anyone in the crosswalk.