A safe space to complain about jackass humans

Imagine this
Someone who takes their running so seriously that they announce their approach, then shoulder check anyone who doesn’t get out of their direct way, no compromise
I’m standing at an intersection waiting to cross the street, talking with some coworkers, when this person approaches
There’s plenty of room in other parts of the sidewalk / adjacent open parking spots, so I figured he’d go around us?
Nope, blasts straight through, brushes my manager and gives me a solid full-momentum shoulder
Glad as ever that I’m a large healthy person who can take a hit from the average human bulldog
This is today’s reminder that being a jackass doesn’t require a car


just imagine how big of a jackass he is when he’s in his car!


Runners are just naked cagers. They are like hermit crabs except not cool.

Edit: cyclist that ALSO run are OK.


I’ve been hit by a car while running. Never while cycling (knock on wood).

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There’s a geezer who I cross paths with pretty regularly, him running and me on a bike. He always hollers something like “thank you for biking! You’re saving the world!” As we cross paths. I like that guy.


I was biking across town on main st today after an mtb ride when suddenly I heard a spit-laden guttural “ASSHOLE!!!” from a car passing me going in the other direction. It was then that I just barely noticed a late model blacked out Jeep Rubicon or thereabouts. I mean… I think it was directed at me. Except I was just biking along blissed out after a ride. lol

What he doesn’t know is that I really am an asshole, and I will be looking out in town for his black Jeep Rubicon or thereabouts for months to come.


That’s called assault
Or battery

You’ll get in more legal trouble by messing with his car than he would if he murdered you with it.


I know anybody who drives has done it at one time or another, but why is it so widely accepted that you should just keep driving into the blinding glare of a low-hanging sun? Had this lady roll down her window to give the school crossing guard a heads up that nobody can see him and it’s just like :face_with_spiral_eyes: keep on driving tho!

I don’t notice it in the news as much here but there were a handful of cyclist deaths in Iowa every year of people biking along a highway in the morning and getting hit by someone who “had the sun in their eyes”. I think that’s bullshit at least half the time but even if it’s not, why are you driving IF YOU CAN’T SEE WHERE YOU ARE GOING???


This is America dweeb. It’s called personal responsibility.


I remember Matthew from Kogswell posting something like “the most dangerous bike commutes are towards the east in the morning and back to the west in the evening.” My commute has always been in the opposite direction but every once in a while I end up riding to work in the late afternoon and it’s a little scary.


I witnessed a car crash this morning.
I had just gotten off the Lakefront Trail and was headed west on the wide park path next to Fullerton, just east of Lakeshore drive and was crossing Stockton with the light, in the crosswalk. As you can see in the picture, there’s nowhere for bikes to ride on the street and they’re encouraged to ride on the footpath to the north of Fullerton in this section.
A car(green) was turning right and yielded to let me pass when the car behind them(blue) plowed into their tail end at like 35mph. Fortunately, they were both small cars, prius type.
I didn’t stick around but I felt bad because the front car got hit hard while doing the right thing and yielding to someone in a crosswalk.
Here’s my beautiful diagram of the incident:


At least the car doing the right thing is also certainly at zero fault in the eyes of the law. The car doing the rear-ending is assumed 100% at fault unless there is literally video of someone swerving in front and simultaneously slamming the brakes.


I’m not gonna mess with his car. I want to ask him if he was calling me an asshole!


you know what’s sweet about “not being at fault” is that YOU still have to get your own car fixed. why doesn’t the hitter have to deal with all the repair bullshit? I’ve never understood this

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Rode around one of those Nissan minivan cabs blocking traffic the other day. Didn’t realize driver was trying to push it from the far open door. As I passed he ran around the back and tried to climb into the driver’s seat to hit the brakes as it rolled into like four parked cars.


person behind me at the ballet coughing her face off

stay home yo


lol i got on a flight the other day next to an unmasked woman who was coughing, and also really wanted to talk to me during the flight.

while we were taxiing i noticed her texting someone and saying “i hope i’m not coming down with something”


Oh yeah there’s pertussis going thru the area right now