A safe space to complain about jackass humans

Isn’t that a vaxable sickness?

Sure am glad I have a choice to inject toxins into my body


Yes, It’s the P in TDAP.

Pertussis sucks. My wife got it when she worked in the ED and passed it along to me. It’s one of those vaccines that you get in school and needs to be boosted when you’re older. Pertussis is particularly bad because it can be fatal for infants. Adults are just miserable for a few weeks.


I saw this truck parked in the bike lane today and I thought it was fitting to post it here. I didn’t notice his licence plate was bent until just now, otherwise I would have fixed it.

@chicagobros I am sorry that I didn’t link up with yinz but I was only in town very briefly and all my time was already spoken for…

You monster!

Took a reset to Zurich a few months back and sat next to a woman with a deep, wet cough, no mask, not manners. I’ve never seen anyone so small take up so much space.

so an European?

Are all Europeans so oblivious?


I don’t really have anything to back this up with, but my impression is europeans are/were more willing to wear masks than americans during covid. People hate them obviously but it never really reached the level of “if they make me wear a mask I’m coming back with an ar-15 to shoot up this place”, and I’ve never heard of anyone in europe getting mocked or attacked for being a mask-wearing liberal covidist.

I haven’t really heard of any euro country where covid became a political issue quite the way it did in the usa, with musk still going on about how fauci is mengele or some shit, and governers bragging about how they were the first to open up their state in 2021 or whatever.

I’m talking more the general lack of understanding the concept of personal space. In the USA its like you’re still in your SUV even after you get out of it.

Not really JA but funny to hear a story about public transit from people who have no experience with it

lots of JA quotes coming in (and some reasonable ones) as congestion pricing rolls out in NYC


I missed that KVUE story when you posted it lol… Yeah people here Don’t Get It but I though that was an overall pretty positive depiction of the Red Line, which isn’t very useful to most people granted but get’s nothing but vile from the usual cager suspects.

I am also watching the congestion pricing thing semi-carefully. It’s very early days but it looks like it is already cutting travel times in half??? Curious to see whether that goes up or down as people acclimate.

Today is the first weekday of congestion pricing. Though there is this winter storm rolling in and many people work remote on Mondays.

my father in law is on TILT about congestion pricing. that’s how you know it’s a good move.


got any juicy anecdotes?

I love the driver interviews in the NY Times thing (and the drivers calling Brian Lehrer this morning) because you learn about people’s crazy commutes.

They only found one guy who admitted that paying $9 and shortening his commute by an hour might be a great deal.