A safe space to complain about jackass humans

Vaping astride one of those electric unicycles is pretty much the norm for 2018 Seattle.

Some kook brought his electric skateboard to Woodland Park while I was there, but was immediately vibed out by everyone, including the scooter kids, and didn’t dare ride that thing.

what the fuck

Not that I condone this type of behavior but I was once hit by a guy on purpose who then tried to run down a witness who was standing in front of the car. Cops showed up and cited him but somehow the case got delayed and I missed the hearing. Good thing the cops gave me he info when they cited him. He lived two blocks from me and conveniently on the way to my friends house. Once a week for 6 months I’d give his car a good fucking wallop with my ulock on my way to see my friends.

But if you can definitely call the cops. Find the car and take photos of ANY damage on there you can find and the plates. Call the cops, talk to your neighbor and get her permission to give her info to the cops and then do so.

Seattle cops do not give a shit. No damage, no problems. They’ll write it off as a close call and that’s all you’ll get out of them. Driver will claim it was accidental, if they admit to it at all. Frankly you could be bleeding on the side of the road, they could fucking back up over you repeatedly, while drunk, and stoned, and they might see a fine. There’s a dozen recent cases here in Seattle area doing just that. This guy buzzed you? Did you get hurt? Is there damage? Seattle cops are not going to care - but sure. Call it in. Won’t hurt, might help, but don’t hold your breath.

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He might get a stern talking to over going onto the sidewalk to escape. Maybe a fine if there were cameras or you can somehow produce another witness to that part? I think I’d report.

WTF This all sucks

A few years ago I was heading to work one morning and this car was legit trying to nudge me off the roadway into the curb. I sped up and pulled off to the sidewalk at the next intersection. Dude stopped, rolled down his window, and started into this whole rant about how roads are only for cars, car taxes pay for road upkeep and bikes don’t, blah blah blah. Then he ended it with “I’m going run you over next time I see you on the road”

I got to work and called the police. Explained what happened, I was threatened, gave them the license plate number and type of car…they basically laughed it off, said it’s just common “road rage”, NBD.


Several years ago a group of five fratty types threw a half-full beer bottle at my face, busting my lip open and spilling beer all over me. They got stopped by a light but wouldn’t get out of the car despite their superior numbers. Cops arrived about 5 minutes later and said that there was nothing they could do about the drinking-while-driving car full of assholes who had just battered me, who’s plate number I had just given them, and hey you kinda smell like alcohol have you been drinking?

Jesus, Josh, that’s terrifying. I hope you guys find his car.

You people must have an entirely different relationship with the police than do I. Twice I have been assaulted on my bike, and both times the police were called and refused to do anything. One time, we actually had the assaulter there, admitting to it, and the cop tried to make us shake hands or some other grade school bullshit.

Police are useless and I expect literally nothing but the worst from them.


Yeah, it can be guaranteed that nothing beneficial whatsoever will come from a police report if you didn’t suffer any injury. It might even backfire if you damage his car and he complains to the police, then they have this report from you indicating motive. I would break all his windows with a centerpunch, etc if you can find the car

and pour milk/pee/both in the car’s air vents

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I saw a guy on one of these yesterday carrying a longboard. He was one vape cloud away from a douchebag hat trick!

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I think it’s a given that it’s an either or… if you go to the police, definitely don’t vandalize his car.

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I was shocked that this happened in the Nude Beach, but then I got to the end and it all made sense.

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There’s a guy who electromonowheels around my neighborhood, which I thought was dorky until I saw him doing it with his kids, which was totally charming.
Would have been less cute if they were all vaping, too

Who was planning the old ball bearing in the vavle cover ruse? You should do that to said car.

Yesterday I was in a hurry to pick up my new-to-me mower so I left the house in my car during rush hour, something I do maybe 2-3 times a year here. I spend a lot of time yelling and being pissed off when I ride my bike in rush traffic here but it’s easy enough to pedal it off by the time I get home. But goddamn, if I had to drive my car in that traffic every day to get home I would be a full-time stupid asshole like everybody else here. Watching people speed and swerve and do other dangerous shit to get back maybe 10 seconds of their commute had my brain leaking out my ears.

The only solution that will ever make a difference in the long run is getting people out of cars but we all know how well that works


this exact guy is the origin of my username. he must’ve moved to the PNW from central PA

Ah yes, PA, the land of cigarettes inside.

My upstairs neighbor who is otherwise great rides a class 2 (I think?) e bike. It’s the fast kind with a throttle.

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