Bike Blahg Thread

honestly i think shimano’s answer to our objections about having to shift both rings would be “just use smart di2 and it does the thinking for you” which is actually completely accurate. i haven’t used it, but that seems amazing.

they’re on to us

Can someone make a video of Sam Pickman saying ‘geo’ repeatedly

How else are we gonna handle product development?


Something, something, Radlawn, something…

I like the pink crust. However I am stumped by this:

Is it some kind of disc caliper mount I’ve never seen?

Flat mount

Our very own @capn_FANCYpants had something to say.

Dudes’ minds were set and didn’t leave much room for actual discussion, but congrats for the exposure!

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“take up swimming” :roll_eyes:

Just wanted you all to know that pubes got 16000 likes on insta inspired by yours truly


Hey guys
Tarckofficial is Tarck insta account
Pw is my last screen name


In lowercase

thank you for being my muse. you may have half of the likes.

We really should use the tarck insta more.


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Well, I have a rack that looks a helluva lot like that one with a basket on it.
Am I gonna die?

Use a cinch strap

Just to be clear, the rack is supposed to take the weight and the decaleur prevents twisting. Not sure why he states the opposite.

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