Bike blerg thread

Because direct-to-consumer now?

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Seems like Jan is more than the affable german he puts across during the podcasts he does and articles he writes.

And then he dumped the compass brand in favor of ruiney farce

Good business skills

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wow fo real? what was the shop name?

AFAIK, he doesn’t do direct-to-customer, but even if he did he could have had the decency to inform us beforehand, like, you know, a normal human being would.

I don’t remember the exact website name (something.somethingCompass.something) , but lemme just shill and say we have about the only niche website in Europe where you can order all sorts of historical re-enactment, rando circle-jerk parts:

Not soon after, he went all out for the HEarsE branding. Could have something to do with it. I think Lyli gave him a blowjob on her deathbed or something. How about this: he told my boss there would be a discount if he ordered 500 tires at once (a big deal for our small business). When that moment arrived because we were doing so well, he just changed that to 500 tires PER SIZE! (or some ridiculous number like that.

One of my former co-workers became part of the Gilles Berthoud company about three years ago. Gilles Berthoud (who, by the way also turns out to be a complete nutjob) taught him how to build rando frames. He then sent his second build or so to the Concourse de la Machines. Literally every builder he spoke to there said Jan is a total DicK and that his nickname is indeed The Snake, because if you turn your back to him he will snap and sink his fangs into you…


Shots fired

I’ve actually emailed about an item in the past but never heard. Was interested in this and wanted to know if you’d ship to America because Jan charges too much

I picture it more as Jan “helping” Lyli sign away the family name on her death bed

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Prolly has a post up right now about a fender that is also a poop scoop.

Isn’t Jan’s Day jerb geologist? Someone got too close to those rocks

god damn it

Speaking of prolly, his site reminded me of this:

They’ve been playing it around Austin a bit. Is it just a feature-length Ultraromance instagram post?

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I’m trying to imagine any kind of substance to it

Bikes are cool. Landscapes are pretty. Camping is cool. Being cool is cool. Everyone should go on extended bike tours and be super cool




agree but no way i’m watching someone’s movie about it (unless it was made by a friend)

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you should embrace parasociality and watch a movie about someone you feel like you could be or maybe already are friends with!

Also buy whatver they’re being paid to sell!


I didn’t mean what I said in a good way

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Bummer you didn’t get a reply. It happens sometimes, but I would hazard a guess that shipping to America would be prohibitive anyway. And we carry GB producs at what you would call msrp, I believe. No discounts.