Bike blerg thread

Well this will surprise absolutely no one here


Acts of aggression towards cyclists were not uncommon, with 17 per cent saying they had used their car to deliberately block a cyclist, 11 per cent had deliberately driven their car close to a cyclist and 9 per cent had used their car to cut off a cyclist.

The human-insect gradient was bizarre but this by itself is pretty horrifying. If one in ten cars are deliberately driving close to you, that means that probably dozens are doing it every time you get on a bike

But if drivers can put a human face to cyclists, researchers say this could reduce aggression directed at cyclists and road trauma involving riders.

Maybe the back of our helmets should just have a print of our face as a reminder

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Yeah this checks out

Researchers need to test these babbies out, can they print faces on wool jerseys?


Or some sort of smart jersey/shirt/top that displays certain political leanings based on geolocation or what sort of vehicle is approaching from behind.

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I’ve not read that article yet, but it would be the same in NZ, if not worse. I may have already mentioned it but my commute includes the highest use heavy vehicle road in the country, and truckies here wear their hate for cyclists like a badge of honour. We had a thing going on where you could get a free fluro vest with “mother” , “father”, “brother” or some large humanising label printed on it. I think the psychology behind it is sound. Not really sure if it helped. There is no disincentive to shit driving like that. Would be cool if you could disqualify them for a week and make them ride a bike to work.

I was talking to someone on a ride and we decided that having Trump 2020 and an American flag on the back of our jerseys is probably the safest thing we can do.


That was the reasoning behind my AliExpress faux-flannel long sleeved lycra top.

Or an NRA USA don’t tread on me jerz

One of those “punisher” totenkopfs with a blue stripe.

Ok tarck, make a movie! I’ll watch it.

This is like getting a Lenin or Stalin tattoo over your kidneys so the gulag guards don’t beat you to death.


This would have the opposite effect up here in the pnw.

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But are they the type of people that would run you off the road?

you’ll never hear the prius/tesla coming


in the cities

Once you get proper rural it would work fine. There’s geezers down here who wear their MAGA CHUD hats with pride.

Parenthetically, I’ve had orders of magnitude more negative interactions with drivers in Seattle than I ever had in decades in the Midwest


Hooooooo boy.
remember when everyone was like “hey Warroad is kinda an appropriative name for a bike” a couple of days ago? Well hold onto your fucking hats, here’s a bike race named after a lil bit of white settler genocidal history! But it’s ok, because the author had a really good time and the people who organized it were nice to her!