Bike blerg thread

Idk all seems pretty par for the course for Grant. Which is to say, I don’t know why people are riled up about the bike shorts post in particular. He could have made basically the same post about clipless pedals and it wouldn’t be any different than what he’s been writing for years


It’s more like his obsession with putting riders into skilled and unskilled buckets. Indexing may be OK for the hard-of-hearing (“may”), but anyone else is unskilled (which smacks of ableism).

And the derailleur? It’s a solution in search of a problem.

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Yeah this one feels a little different and even more alienating to me.

It took me years of trial and error and way too much money spent on saddles to minimize saddle sore issues, but I was never able to eliminate them entirely for the type/amount of riding I enjoy doing. Saddle sores are not a “skill” issue; our body type/shape affects how we interact with a saddle and for a given distance/effort some people will be more prone to undercarriage issues. Telling people they don’t belong in an activity because they can’t control this aspect of their body sucks.

Feels pretty easy to extend this logic to “if you need a motor…”


Also this just reminds me how grateful I am to have folks like @capn_FANCYpants fighting the good fight to help make this a more inclusive, welcoming sport/hobby for everyone and not just those who do things the “right” way.


oh boy, he’s doing a super-high-offset guide pulley on his S!LVƎR rapid-rise dangler. that’s gonna shift like ass with multiple chainrings, even with a friction shifter.

is grant’s next thing gonna be going all-in on 1x, or is he just gonna double down on “skillful shifting is a moral virtue” and post that picture showing where your feet should be on the cranks when you shift for the millionth time?


I read the blargh, and he’s still gatekeeping but with more words.
He’s essentially saying that Rivendell is all about Diversity In Cycling as long as it’s Rivendell’s Type Of Diversity.

i was about to ask- did nobody notice this or is it a new thing?

ATMO the most offputting part of all of that post is the implication that anyones bike rides are too long. seems very antithetical to the riv life. also i don’t want to do more than an mile or two in my cotton undies, but i think i’m the snowflake there

He’s not saying you shouldn’t ride bikes - he’s saying you can participate in an activity in a way that works with your body and it’s cool if you don’t have the full kit and pound out big miles.

Is it written in a way open to be misinterpreted? Sure. But calling Grant a gatekeeper, sorry, I can’t buy that.


i feel like the offset has grown significantly since the last time we saw a pulley cage in CAD. The one they’re actually testing has an Altus cage grafted on, with extremely minimal guide pulley offset.


Disagree. He’s directly saying that if you don’t do it the riv way you’re doing it wrong.

The entire basis for his marketing is built on something else being the wrong way to do things and his way being the right way.

It’s not about presenting his designs and ethos and saying “I like this, maybe you will too”. It’s all about requiring racing/racers to be some sort of foil for him to point to as wrong to justify his design decisions.

We’ve talked about this ad nauseam, but when you move past pure aesthetics it’s gets harder and harder to justify his brand. We joke about how a Kona Dew or a Crust does what most Rivs do for substantially less money and it’s sortof true. What Grant really sells is Grant. So of course he’s going to lean into that. But it’s such a one-dimensional thing, he’s kindof run out of material. At least that’s how it seems to me. He’s becoming an exaggerated version of himself. Maybe it’s because he’s dug in so deep his followers would never let him change any way. Maybe he’s just an old troll.


Again suggesting a dedicated thread for rage-reading GP.


quarantine Jan Heine nonsense in there too and I’ll happily sign your petition and receive a newsletter


Is this not the bleurggg thread?


i would start my own bicycle sentences series but im not sure i could delve deep enough into satire to even touch what GP and his crew are cranking out.


if ur e-vape runs out of weeds your ride is too long




in b4 “take it to the GP thread” no i dont think i will. either you agree to shit on gp and jim hiney or you quit cycling.


if your ride is too long that means you’re wearing a chamois


last one. ok maybe not.