Bike blerg thread

Rear looks like totally cromulet FM160, so you can run a reasonable sized rotor without a dumb adapter. But yeah building a high-end frame/fork intended for drop bars in TYOOL 2024 with IS tabs and expecting your customers to either run the one (1) and only weird IS-to-flat adapter, OR bend over backwards to mix & match components, uhh…

can prolly blame this one on prolly

“The Ponderosa features a gravel bike drivetrain, with a BSA 38 x 68 mm bottom bracket shell”

i have literally never heard anyone refer to a BSA threaded BB shell this way. is this the T47-advocate version of Stallman insisting on calling it “GNU/Linux”?

EC37 headset? what the hell. Thanks bud for making sure your customers can never buy a normal headset.


tune in next week for a “dust up” article on why the name of every bicycle standard needs to arbitrarily change


I can see post front / flat back, since you need less braking power in the rear and snugging that caliper inside the stays gives you more flexibility with racks and fenders. Post gives you the flexibility to run a beefier brake.

IS instead of post mount is a bit of a head-scratcher though.

I think he was referring to the lack of contact area on the rotor. Looks like it’s more of a FM170 mount

But also hardly any production bikes get proper rotor contact nowadays so who cares if a small op can’t get it right either

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I’m more worried about the alloy bolts holding it together imo. Not somewhere I’d be wanting to shave grams.


oof yeah uh that’s not great.

I’ve seen a few bikes that SEEM to have improper rotor contact but when you pull the pads they are getting full contact. Not saying that’s what is happening here. But it could be.

Nobody gets the benefit of the doubt round these parts


That’s 3d printed so you can blame the cad wiz kid.

But that also wouldn’t fit the brake mount jig so maybe be it’s a deep rotor with a smaller pad?

reddit says that the pro’s closet is circling the drain and the end of season sale is the end of all their seasons, forever

Escape Collective published an article insinuating the same

let’s not read into it too much. keep in mind that prolly [closing forever] is not probably [closing forever]


I was just in Boulder and was surprised to see that Skratch took over TPC’s entire warehouse, after TPC expanded into Rockymounts’ vacant space. Looks like they moved to an even bigger space in Louisville

why would skratch even need a big warehouse of their own?? do they even do their own logistics?

They do, actually. A homie ran their warehouse for a bit before he moved.

They seem to be doing very well. They have a cafe on Pearl St. now, in case you want… energy bars for lunch? I didn’t go in

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lol, totally missed those

We did this already


like, we posted this article? or we posted a similar article about grant or a similar bikes guy?

i can’t keep track of much at this point