Bike blog thread

kaiko is p much good in my book.


Also, how has no one mentioned that every one of her stupid bicycles has a stupid name like Rodney or Suzanne or Francisco?

so much this

even more this tho

[quote=Altoid]Ha, I liked this:

there’s actually good advice being dispensed here, even if it is framed as the disillusioned opinions of the co-habitant.

i’d ask if she could just use a less cumbersome term like ‘partner’ but it really kind of fits in perfectly with everything else she’s got going with that blog.

really though when she writes co-habitant i can’t shake the feeling that she also gives it a french pronunciation and it is really terrible.

it makes me think she treats sex like elaine from the contraceptive sponge episode
schedules and forms and shit

hate chix like that
spontaneous or gtfo

Of course beginners writing about their experiences is good for other beginners to read. A lot of the stuff she goes on to say is valid. But the key here is writing about experiences. Not making baseless claims about aluminum being painful to ride or that modern fat tired cross bikes would be less agile than a 30 year old bike boom 10spd. A lot of the beginners blogs are little more than accumulations of bikeforums-style"knowledge". Then, as the years pass, the writer dispels myth after myth (rarely taking the time to revisit previous posts and point out their own incorrect assumptions) as they ride more and learn.

I think she is on the verge of learning a very important lesson. And it is this:
There is a reason that they don’t make bikes like they used to. There’s a reason that most beginning riders are better off on something more modern. It’s because most old bikes just suck compared to their modern counterparts. Old bikes are still good. They get you from place to place just as well as they did in the 60’s. But modern bikes are just better at it.

can we talk about stevil kinevil or something? you guys have an unhealthy obsesson with lovely bicycle.

I haven’t read Stevil’s blog since it was whatever name is was two years ago. I got tired of reading about beer and burritos and people doing stupid shit.

Speaking of Stevil and doing stupid shit, I actually bought one of those Bandit jackets for my brother’s next birthday. He’s gonna be stupid stoked:

guys who cut their own bummer lives short

I think it was the bummer life thing last time I saw it.

This is the first I’ve heard of this blog, but I can’t stand it already. What a circle jerk that blog’s comments are, not to mention the articles themselves. What horribly misplaced sentimentality–which doesn’t have to be based on knowledge, but it shouldn’t be based on ignorance. What cringe-inducing attempts at clever prose.

I should’ve stopped reading at the exclamation mark, the first sign that something dumb was afoot.

But possibly the worst of all is the incessant, pointless use of “vintage”.

To be fair, this poor commenter has ostensibly ridden ~100 times the average Lovely Bicycle? [sic] reader’s lifetime mileage, and was probably encouraged by the dozen-or-so instances of that word in the article.

In the end, that post is just to stroke his/her vintage cock in the e-company of some novices.

ps. I hope a certain blogger gets a real hard-on from my pointed use of penis terminology.

pps. I just wasted my time.

she could’ve saved a lot of time if she just said “BAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW”

Ah, whether we have a point in saying that her writing is asinine is somehow not for her to judge, but the second part is totally her domain.

And way to discredit those who think you’re an idiot with the great big sexist brush that you can’t even wield.

when’s lovelybike gonna offer a counterpoint?

She’ll just show us up by getting involved in randonneuring, only to discover to her surprise that despite the pleasant lilt of the word it is less about gently twirling down to a local inn to fill a basket with warm bread than about middle aged hard men on crabon bikes vomiting and bragging about not being able to open doors.

Whens lovely bike gonna post nude? Dat ass