Bike videos


this is one of the most amazing things i’ve ever seen
he caught his own wheel back in his own dropouts??? how many attempts do you think that took?

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Every single trick in that video would be a stand-out creative trick on some other edit. Instead its a whole edit of the most creative shit I’ve seen in so long.


I was wondering when that video was going to get some attention. I didn’t think tarck was that jaded to not be impressed.

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The front wheel catch is the best bmx thing I’ve seen in a while. The whole video is so much fun to watch.

Another one I’ve been digging.

And in things I didn’t know existed: left hand drive freecoaster hubs

yeah this is how i feel. i don’t relaly watch a ton of bmx but i was truly amazed.
how do they slide around on the side of the bike??

I guess he used some magnets to help catch the wheel. There was another video on insta where he tried to catch his rear wheel after sliding on a milk crate but couldn’t make it work the same.

Totally not bmx, but fun none the less. Probably the only “racer” to roast berms and do some turndowns. Pretty slick and kinda insane pass there in the end…

50to01 bunch fooling around in Canada is pretty good entertainment. Some of that bmx trick type stuff on a enduro rig is INSANE…

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Keo Curry died a few days ago

all the old threads are deep in the Tarckives


Aw man that sucks, RIP.

He definitely was at the forefront of a lot of trackrobatics, back at the start of the 2000’s just being able to hold a motionless wheelie was enough to get people cheering. He showed a lot of people some next level stuff.

Not sure where to share this. I’m riding the Old Ghost road with the couple who did this vid, in a few weeks, so looking forward to it. I was going to share the Photo-essay from the Radvertiser but apparently the old webmaster deleted an image bucket account and they lost shitloads of content.


Sad to hear about Keo, the first time I ever saw one of his videos was when Macaframa debuted in small Seattle theater and alllll the fixie kids in town were there. When the Keo segment came on the screen everyone in the crowd went ape-shit because he lived in Seattle at the time.

I remember thinking after the show: I should get a fixed gear bicycle (I never did)




Jeff riding around the PSU campus and downtown

wait what

I thought in order to join the forum, folx had to meet one of the three following:
a: have/had a sw8 fixie
b: have/had raced track
c: was/is a strong rider who mess’d in the 90s.

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But nobody was checking references, so people managed to sneak in with faked resumes.