Brooks Saddle Appreciation Thread

Proofhide is mostly tallow (animal fat) and waxes. It keeps the water from getting in and making your saddle sag. You don’t really want conditioners for the leather because they make it too soft.

Snoseal is wax and silicone I think. It serves the same purpose as proofhide - keeping the water out.

Both are going to darken up the color of the saddle.

Don’t forget to put some under the saddle - esp. if you don’t have fenders.

how’s that saddle? you selling it?

saddle is awesome dude. just a scrape on the gold on the passenger side :P. i dropped it in the driveway going 2mph

i have this seat.
a brooks would be so nice.

get that ass hatchet outta here!

I mean comfort wise, how is it? And you gonna sell it? I’ve been looking to buy a new one.

im prolly gonna sell it. i have no use for multiple saddles. i like the stock peugeot on the peugeot, and the rest of my bieks sit outside in the rain

i have this seat.
a brooks would be so nice.[/quote]

Ponzas suck so hard. One of the worst saddles I’ve ridden in a long time, and I only put like 10 miles on it.

i’m thinking about scooping a brooks swallow. what do you guys think? good idea?

The world needs this thread like it needs more people, but I’ll bite:

My trimmed B-17 w/ lacing similar to stoffel’s above. Lotsa miles on it.

The swallow-ish saddle on Sheldon’s handmade bike.

Any chance to try it out beforehand? Some love it, some hate it. I’ve got a buddy who has the steel railed basic version on his crosscheck and is all about it. It’s too narrow for me, though.

What about its length? I’m fine with narrow saddles, but I don’t know what it’s like to sit on a 30cm rod…seriously guys, I don’t.

My b17 is hands down, without question, far and away the most comfortable saddle I’ve ever ridden.
It’s got zillion miles on it and will get a zillion more.
I’ll post a pic later.

[quote=Elderberry]The world needs this thread like it needs more people, but I’ll bite:

My trimmed B-17 w/ lacing similar to stoffel’s above. Lotsa miles on it.[/quote]

What all did you trim off of this? It’s hard to see from the picture.

Do most say B17 over Swift, Professional and Swallllllow?

Depends on where you want your bars and how much you want to spend. I can’t stand a B17 with much saddle to bar drop.

i got my professional from the maintenance guy at my old apartment complex, brand new. He just gave it to me because I showed interest in his 80’s Fuji road bike. Coolest guy ever.

over 2k on this saddle and its perfect

edit: hand hammered rivets ftw

It is a pretty crappy pic. Sorry 'bout that. I just trimmed the lip off the back (where the “Brooks” badge once was) and a bit off the nose Dave Moulton style and smoothed out the side edges so they didn’t dig into my thighs. I like it.

I too got mine for free from a pile of garbage!

edit: wonderful ass cradle, how I love thee.

bump 4 murder