cheap cromo cross frames: crosscheck, c'mute or ?????

This. The headtube on the xcheck is super short. Same for the doublecross.

This. The headtube on the xcheck is super short. Same for the doublecross.[/quote]

Yeah, that’s true.

Face, Is there a local shop that would price match that you could order the frame set from?

Head tube on my 48 is is very tall (DBLX)

Thinkin’ I was mistaken about the HT on the DBLX.


Current form, X-poast

This. The headtube on the xcheck is super short. Same for the doublecross.[/quote]

Yeah, that’s true.

Face, Is there a local shop that would price match that you could order the frame set from?[/quote]

didn’t think of that. most shops i know and have worked at would never do that, but its worth a try. most of the shops in the area are doing pretty poorly right now so it might actually work.



as far as shop price matching goes, I wouldn’t use the words ‘price matching.’
I’d go in to a shop you feel comfortable in, probably smaller the better, and say you’re going to get a xxxx and it sells for $xxxx online, and do they think they could get it for you for close to that price? if it’s $20 or $30 difference, I’d rather support the local dealer. this has worked pretty well for me on stuff that you can only buy new @ close to retail prices.

I got that frame up there for $350 no sales tax in NH . Plug my LBS…

These people take good care of me. Let me borrow Campy tools, give me deep discounts ect. They know I build my own bikes and shop online but I still spend a lot of time and money with them Very important to have a good first name relationship with the locals be it bikes or food…

just got back from the shop, hopefully we can work something out.

Which shop?

traction bikes in pleasant hill. used to work there so i figure its my best bet.

can you suggest any other shops i should check out in the greater east bay area? i don’t know anyone at any other shops in the area at all.

Only other Pake dealer I know of is Velo Sport in Berkeley. They’re cool and weird and might hook you up. Might not.

What about any soma dealers?

Anyone who orders from Hawley (pretty much any non-branded (i.e. Trek) shop) can get Soma. We don’t carry them in the shop, but we can get them whenever you want.

timarchy, wheres your shop?


not sure if mr. face has found a frame yet, but check out handsome cycles:

maybe too much though?
edit: 58cm as largest might be too small also

yea, too small and not exactly what i want out of a bike.

after looking at prices again im starting to lean more towards the c’mute again over the double cross.

dc means i build up with what i have and spend a minimum on extra stuff.

pake means i will have a couple $$ left over to buy some new bars, stem, etc. or maybe upgrade from my current 7spd stuff im gonna throw onto it to maybe 8 or 9spd

nicer frame with lesser components or slightly less nice frame with better components.

i also read that the pake is made at the same factory as the soma, so quality should be spot on. they’re both made with tange 4130, but the soma is tange prestige.

fuck i hate making decisions