Comparing this U-lock to that U-Lock

my lock has slight rust where the rubberized paint wears off (i just leave my lock in the truckbed alot even when it rains) and the key still turns like it did when i got it.

bulldogs are good for smashing faces in

Kryptos lock your bike like this, but bulldogs lock it like thiiiiiis

The lube in the keyhole works great on any lock. Just remember to keep the extra keys. After three years with my evo, I never lost a key, but the original got worn down from daily use and didn’t work so great. But by that time I’d lost all the other keys. Luckily I lost the lock a few months later.

Hah, that works. I’ve lost all the keys to my Bulldog as well. Along with that numbered id tag to get it recut… oops. It’s alright, I have a new lock inbound. Anyone wanna buy a huge heavy older Bulldog with only one key?

Just put your extra key in your toolbox. Not that hard, dudes.

That’s so easy it couldn’t possibly work.

I have a big ring of work keys and a normal sized ring of personal keys.
Both have a kripto key.
The third is in the drawer of my nighstand.

krypto only gives you three? i think i got 4 or 5 with my bulldog. one even has this neat little light on it!

I got 7! I was like, holy geez they don’t want you to use that key replacement policy.

well, here’s to hoping for 8 keys

I wish I had 8 keys!
The two I use daily are gettin pretty worn and the third is big and bulky and I realy don’t wanna carry it.

[quote=“Rusty Piton”]I wish I had 8 keys!
The two I use daily are gettin pretty worn and the third is big and bulky and I realy don’t wanna carry it.[/quote]
Is it the one with the crappy yellow flashlight on it?

I think if you pry the flashlight off, it’s just a regular key underneath. (without any black plastic)

My bf got one of those flashlight keys with this beast…

The light is a little blue led though. This krypto new york chain was a Christmas present, and now it just sits in my room. The thing is super heavy, and everytime I have friends over some one has to put the thing around their neck and throw up gang symbols, lol.

[quote=“Uriel”]. . . through up gang symbols, lol.[/quote] I through up some gang symbols once. Really it was just a bunch of marinara, but those crips were pissed.

LOL. I meant throw… oh well. I was just not paying much attention. It was worth it for the funny comment, though.

I never really got the point of the flashlight. Are people really unlocking their bikes in an area that is so dark that they can’t see a lock hole without a tiny LED light and then biking around? Maybe I’m just ignorant because it’s never actually dark here.

Yeah, the lighted keys are pointless and are so big they always get in the way.

fuccin slobK ass bKusta

i use that key light thing for my front door cause it’s dark at my apartment.