Cyclists are assholes

I was walking to a friend’s house because I had to leave my bike at school for break and a hipster turd on a “fixed-wheel” spat at me and called me a pussy.

I’m selling my bike and saving up for an H2.


Dudes in giant trucks spit too. Spitters are assholes.

Actually I might buy a thousand dollar bong.

Maybe you are a pussy or the “cyclist” was just an asshole! I don’t know yo,u or the hipster turd so I will refrain from passing judgment.

I would have tried to chase him down. He probably can’t ride and would have ate it trying to get away. Then kindly explain to him that hurling bodily fluids at people your not currently in a relationship with is a big no no. Or just punch him in the dick, your choice.


It’s not just cyclists who are assholes.
Everybody in this entire world is a stupid fucking asshole!!!

I don’t consider hipster turds on party fouls to be “cyclists.” I consider lycra-clad dentists on LOOKs to be cyclists and yes, many of them are assholes.


I’d say that’s your best bet.

[quote=“Rusty Piton”]Newsflash!

It’s not just cyclists who are assholes.
Everybody in this entire world is a stupid fucking asshole!!![/quote]
It still rings true… maybe truer than ever.


i’m getting high just from looking at it

nah you gotta see this

I got to hold one like this with darth vader and luke battling with yoda present and an x-wing in a plasma globe.

i don’t even know how they would work.

what. the. fuck.

ITT post expensive bongs!

I drive a giant truck and don’t spit. I’m definitely an asshole, though.

This is true. There’s a difference between a cyclist and a guy who just happens to own a bike.

I’m a cyclist and I spit and am most definitly an asshole.
I almost never spit on people though.