Dammit: Post your bike

i think this came up even better than wd40 (which beat pb blaster and most other penetrating lubes) when AvE did a highly semi-scientific torque test on freeing nuts and bolts he turned into “get around to it”s by soaking in salt or something. seemed like the biggest factor in how well a penetrating lube worked was hitting it with a hammer though

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Now don’t the just use the forklift?

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The hammer is the important part: you’ve got little bits of corrosion sticking it together, and you have to break the bond.

it’s rumoured that Kroil is also similar, and it works well if you prefer to buy something. But the hammer is critical. I like to douse it in penetrant, give it some taps while wet, and then repeat a few hours later before attempting to extract.

yep, and apparently great for straightening motorcycle frames too

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I successfully freed a seized post in my HG with some photos blaster. I let it sit overnight then just cranked the seat with my arms while straddling the bike

I could do that. Sounds a little too sensible.

This bike is a lot of fun but I think I want a more modern road bike.


Nah. You can’t get a gooseneck like that on all these newfangled bikes


Too excited to not post this. Clearly not done yet, I don’t even have a front brake on it yet. And I’m planning on painting the fork.

I also just realized I have King headsets on all the bikes I actually ride. Including this one. A threadless 1" on a '92 stumpy. Ridiculous.



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If you left the fork black and got black spacers and a black chairpost it’d look great, with less work.

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I think I made a Squirrel bike



Scored on super bro deal. So not my style but it fits great. To the dithering thread!


Fender stays

More like

Fender overstays

  is this thing on

yeah other than the fender line that thing is fine. Nothing I would clamor over but… fine

Is that a bontrager fork from one of those cool Gary Fishers?

“Wound up”

Are those brass fenders?