Just do whatever you can to get that basket as far back towards the head tube and as close to the tire as possible. I’d just remove it until you’re ready for some cutting and welding.
Looks like handlebar attachments are horizontal. You can make them vertical to bring it down and back.
Probably will happen by itself once you put significant weight on. The struts will be too long then. You can cut them and redrill. I did that once. Worked.
Or just check out this thread for some good bike cargo advice
It does. I like this idea.
Exactly that happened, the basket is sitting at around 20*. There’s some room to shorten the mounts. I’m also going to school for welding, so I have access to steel to make supports. Any further dithering I’ll take to the cargo thread.
or, you know, just buy the adjustable struts
Why don’t they just ship with those things?
My kidlet’s townie. Evo Super6 from a Ruckus garage sale, Chinacrabon fork, eBay wheels, and various odds & ends from CCC and my parts bin. I still need to get the N/W chainring, because that’s what she wants to run.
God damnit, this fred thing is a rabbit hole. I need a net for the basket, a kickstand, and other things I don’t know I need. I should’ve stuck with road racer like bikes.
The one I bought recently came with adjustable struts. Maybe that basket was old stock?
different baskets come with different struts IIRC.
The newer 1392 version has adjustable struts. I thought that was the only one for sale any more but it looks like some places are still selling the 139 with the one-piece struts.
Put some 11 speed stuff on here and braapped to work.
Last one I bought came with the adjustable struts.
Someone should make a tool for freeing seat posts. Maybe some saddle rails with a long lever?
it’s a bench vise. with tubing blocks if you want to not ruin the seatpost.
Dribble some Coke down the seat collar?
50/50 atf and acetone
Cyclefab used to have stuckseatpost.com
the tool is a boring bar and a dedicated lathe fixture to hold it by the seattube
mostly only needed after other people’s attempts have crushed or sheared the exposed part of the post, but sometimes nothing else will suffice