Did you just ShartQ?

To be clear, I’m looking for sealant to put inside inner tubes.

no dumb questions, only dumb answers i suppose.

I think my brain had a visceral reaction to seeing “muc-off sealant” and I lost reading comprehension for a second there, sorry

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tbf, he didnt mention it was for tubes. Probably just assumed that tubes was the only real use case for the finish line stuff.

if you’re referring to rusty he did say inner tube sealant.

if you’re referring to finish line sealant it is among the absolute worst tubeless sealants. but in an innertube, it rules so hard

I dug 27 pieces of glass out of my tire. No flats so far but the tire is just about roached.


i started putting replace tube on my 3 year preventive. i’ve stopped doing that though because i realized the time i thought i really sprang a leak was some long piece of steel wire that made a really leak like sound when you ran over it

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U rite. Didn’t realize they made one specifically for inner tubes. And I just skimmed it seeing muc off.

the muc off smell is so off-putting to me i can’t stand it

I missed the inner tube thing too. I only ha e experience with the tubeless variety

is a 12s 1x ring meaningfully different than an 11s? for shimano, no flat top shens. asking for a friend.

yes they’re all meaningfully different than 11s, and distinct from one another

in 12s 1x it is worth trying to buy a chainring matched to the chain you’re using

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i was afeared of that. my buddy needs to replace his FIL’s 46t 104bcd 1x12 ring. which is an Odd Specification to hit

how much does a headset swap cost these days?

you in a legal state?

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no, i do have weed though

sunk cost i guess.

i can’t imagine it’d be more than $30

i’ll get high and ride both bikes to the shop


As long as the number of hoses/cables routed through it is zero.

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$30 or $300 plus the cost of one time use proprietary tools


right. i been out the game a while. but also def not what nash has going on