Did you just ShartQ?

Try to find one that is close and do some filing

Wasn’t there some guy out there on the internet making oop dangler hanglers?
I seem to recall seeing a website but can’t recall what it was called.

I sent a message as a hail mary, sure they’re no longer in business but maybe someone checks their email from time to time. and yeah bros, I might have to make some modifications if I’m unable to find another one when the time comes

edit: wheels mfg wrote me, they said “unfortunately, we dont make one compatible or similar to this”

Ok I’ve got drops and short pull brakes on the roadie, alt bars & vees on the VO, I wanna put the drops on the campeur and alt bars on the roadie, what travel agents should I get and will I be super frustrated with travel agents and should leave well enough alone?

What mini mtb pump do I want? Ideally one that i can mount to a bottle mount. Tark database is sparse in that regard.

Topeak morph.


Ive had no problems with the generic ones. I see ali are doing them now too. Jinkies. Problem solvers ones are spendy…

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i hear the one up edc jawns are great, as they also can hold tools and move an ok amount of air. topeak morph is goated but i get not wanting to strap one to your frame

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I have an old Crank Bros and a OneUp 100 cc.

The OneUp does a pretty good job of holding my tools and airing up tires. The only thing that would make it better would be a gauge.

Bar tape preferences

  • specific brand/model
  • whatever’s passable
0 voters

Have the 60cc one up and like it a lot. Aside from holding tools the storage is perfect size for a J if that’s your thing :slight_smile:

I’ll be semi-specific and say the price is very much right on these discount tapes from Igor, I have been pretty happy with it so far. I’m a fat guy who leans on the bars and it’s been staying in place pretty dang good.

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Using black Cinelli volèe on my city bike, which is really comfy and easy to wrap. It’s kinda stretchy and soft, great for short jaunts without gloves.

Currently on the Vaya is a shop recommendation, Ergon Gravel tape - total pain to wrap from their POV, but feels amazing. Just enough grip on rough trails, but not tacky or clingy.

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I guess what I mean is most of us are tape agnostic as long as it broadly meets our needs


I just put some of that Ergon grav tape on after I flattened the Arundel I had.

I’m just going to buy 10 packages of ODI. The world should end before I’d need to restock.

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i buy tape whenever it’s in the sale section of whatever website I’m buying other stuff from


tape: arundel rubber gecko. it comes in black and white, all the options you need.

mini pumps: anything lezyne.


As long as your valve cores have been tightened to 69nm


I gave my lezyne pump away i hated it so much

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Exactly. My Lezynes are only used as a last resort. Hammerlock headed pumps for me only. Will get one of those Topeak morphs that everyone was raving about last time this question was asked.