Executive Assistant Jackass of the Day

Even so, I hope he smartens up and keeps his mouth shut from here on in, for his own sake.[/quote]
i hope they throw the book at this dipshit[/quote]


A driver reportedly saw Bucchere running red lights and blowing stop signs right before he hit the pedestrian.

fight or flight/self preservation in dangerous situations

Jordan, that intersection is like a mile wide too. I can’t imagine coming down Castro, looking at the sidewalk timers, and not making a go/no go decision way before it being too late to stop. If he was sw8 nob rakesing it, sucks its the ped that took all the damage. Sounds like he was going way too fast for that situation. Everyone in the city that rides knows anything involving market is dangerzone and not to go bombing down Castro into Market or bad things happen.

Also, here is the street view of the intersection according to how I read the account. http://g.co/maps/39buq Like Jordan said, one of the busiest intersections in the city that I can think of.

Just saw in the news that dude is being charged with Vehicular Manslaughter.

Good. Sounds like he’s guilty of that crime.

surprised all those dudes that say don’t talk about your accident online
can actually say i told you so now

but i guess
kid is dumb enough to blow through a stale red at 30mph like that
then he also dumb enough to admit it online posting under his real name

This is what gets me. From the beginning I assumed he was some sweet fixie bro, but in fact he is actually a 36 year old Stanford graduate with some pretty successful companies he runs.

I mean unless someone chose their online identity to be named after this man, but all the papers and articles said “Bucchere and Bucchere’s lawyer” so I assume it is actually this guy.

It helps, but you really don’t need to be a 20something fixiebro to ride a bike like a douchebag.

I’m glad people like that say too much online. I encourage it. It helps them get what they deserve.

he probably had too many spacers.


This is what gets me. From the beginning I assumed he was some sweet fixie bro, but in fact he is actually a 36 year old Stanford graduate with some pretty successful companies he runs.

I mean unless someone chose their online identity to be named after this man, but all the papers and articles said “Bucchere and Bucchere’s lawyer” so I assume it is actually this guy.[/quote]

I’m forgetting where I read this but he apparently went out and got himself the best damn defense attorney in SF. So yeah, it’s probably the dude with the CEO’s salary. If some social media tycoon that was riding like a jackass and killed someone gets off scot-free, it’s really going to tick all of my boxes (indignant cyclist class rage, etc).

surprised all those dudes that say don’t talk about your accident online
can actually say i told you so now[/quote]

jeez. thought this advice was usually in order to not fuck up a future settlement or payout… instead, dude just blabbed his way into prison time.

post of the day

Yeah, there are a lot of older, more-money-than-brains dickheads that ride like complete assholes around here, especially now that cycling is so “hip.”

Sounds a lot like me.

Seriously though, I hardly think he’ll get off scot-free, but if any precedent was set with the other recent case, there’ll be some penalty. Or maybe they make this guy an example?

Yeah, there are a lot of older, more-money-than-brains dickheads that ride like complete assholes around here, especially now that cycling is so “hip.”[/quote]

Yup, beat me to it. Cycling jackassery comes in all shapes and sizes in SF (and probably most other urban places).


I’ll just leave this here…

Oh man, to make matters worse he was even in the lanes of traffic going the opposite direction.