
I wanna hear about your “funny” wheel failure.
Soulds hilarious.

deep v jerry seinfeld edition

what’s the deal with all those crazy colors??!!

Wah wah waaaah

^ Fuuuuuuck!

Holy fucking shit!

Oh my god!
That’s the most hilarious thing I’ve ever fucking seen!!!

You win.

Rusty your new avatar is somethin else.

What happened to that wheel?
It looks like it got shot with m4bandit’s glock or something.

Is that your Marinoni? Did it fuck up the bike at all?

Not seriously Johnny. The bike is still ooc pending my returning to canada and getting a new wheel put together. I haven’t ridden it since as I’ve been over in Scotland with my new crosscheck. I think the frame and fork are probably fine, but i did wreck my nitto noodles, kill the fender and get a small scar on my chin.

no… it’s definitely ruined. send it to me.

Artblur’s broken bike recovery program.

one of the mercier’s past forms (planet bike fenders i think)

hufnagel today (honjo fenders)

jesus alex that rules

It’s so hard to get a good fender line with fenders that poke out a lot in front. One of the reasons i’m considering getting a front rack is just to create a third attachment point for my super long VO fenders.

Got any shots of that 'noni?

The PB clip on shits:

I forgot how fucking worthless these things are if there’s any actual water to be dealt with.

Anyone have the PB hybrid 45 mm cascadias?
I’m gonna guess that the actual surface of them is 45 mm? Can someone measure theirs?
