fucking chains

[quote=“zombie”]That’s a pretty expensive bike for someone who is a completely ignorant to own.

Sell it and buy one of these and a Kilo TT:

Good call, Carl.
That book is my bible.


Most folks I know with really expensive bikes don’t work on them, to be fair. They can afford to pay other people to do it for them or are scared they will fuck up their expensive bike. Of course, threading a cog onto a hub doesn’t really rise to the level of “working on a bike”.

one time i put my saddle on backwards and went to the internet to figure out what i did wrong. thx internet!

This thread is full of fail/win. made me laugh.

Not cog related but I spent the evening drinking and try to figure out how the hell derailleurs work (for the third time). This site helps tremendously: http://bicycletutor.com/

Guy’s a dork, but the I’ve been watching his videos since he started on Instructables.
Great instructions. Sheldon and this guy and that’s all you need.

omg. someone that knows less about biekz than mee!

Savor it, sol. Savor it…