getting hit by cars


This is your bike, right? I see no brakes. I really hope you never ever get hit by a car, but if that ever does happen, I hope you realize it is because you are irresponsible enough to ride a bike without brakes.

I saw it happen, his chain came off the chainring and he literally had no control but to go into the intersection. My friend easily could have died, and you’re giving me a “life lesson.”

I will reiterate, this thread is not about placing blame or aguing or saying “get a brake.” So far, no one has tried to contact him and the police told me that in situations like this that they’ve dealt with, the drivers insurance takes car of damages to the car. Jacques, try to be somewhat personal and keep the negative comments to yourself for once.[/quote]

Dude, you ride brakeless.

those bars are silly atmo.
how do they ride?

Nick, your friend was likely at fault in terms of liability for the accident but that’s really meaningless. Nobody is going to come after him for anything. Insurance companies wouldn’t be bothered.

the charm of y’s bikes is the rugged good looks + knowing that they are well ridden and very likely extremely mechanically sound.
i doubt your friend had a clue of the risks he was taking by having a jackass setup which he could potentially have control over, and looking at the pics is probably gloating about the rash and thinks the shit is pretty cool.

That’s not entirely true. I was in an accident last January or February and it was determined I was at fault (clearly wasn’t, but that’s an entirely different story). I just got a two letters in the mail from the other party’s insurance company stating that I had caused $3000 worth of damages to her shit PT Cruiser (broken DS window and side view mirror) and they would like to collect. The second letter said that if they didn’t hear back from me in 15 days they would be contacting their legal department. I’m hoping that it was just a computer generated form and they don’t pursue it, but I have no intention of paying. I can’t help that she was tired from her long day driving back from Napa. Yea, I bet that’s not in the police report.

I don’t really see what people are hassling you about, you already admitted he should have had a brake. But it’s always silly when someone whines about their forum thread not having the replies they wanted atmo.

Jacques’ comments aren’t negative. They’re pretty neutral and spot on. Also considering the amount of miles he logged on the tour de tarck last month, or considering HE WAS A FUCKING COURIER for several years shows he knows a lot more than your dumbass friend.

ugh, and wow.

new to fixed + high 80s gear inches + janky conversion and chainline + brakeless…[/quote]

high 80s?
isnt 53/13 like 105 or something?


Don’t be such a backseat driving little bitch. You weren’t there. Any of us could have done worse, I’m sure.[/quote]

this guy has limited experience, a mechanically unsound bike, no failsafe and no idea what the fuck to do when faced with an oncoming threat and no obvious way to stop. unless i misread the OP, it sounds like it was totally his fault and totally preventable.

umm dont you think this plus no brake + little experience = total fail ? The thing is a death trap. I feel bad for the girl who now is all shaken up for having her windshield smashed by a dumb ass. And the fact is he dose not look too bad except road rash. He is lucky as shit, and yes it suck that it happened, but grow up and stop pretending to be bad asses cuz fixies . You also said you want all your friends to ride safe BUT you are too ridding brakeless with little experience. fucking wake up unless you REALLY know what you are dong this is not safe!!! for fuck sake And for the record, I have been hit buy and hit more then a few cars and a fucking bus.
PS messengers who ride brakeless are skill professionals who spend more time on their bike in a month than many will in a year.

[quote=spacetime] I really hope you never ever get hit by a car, but if that ever does happen, I hope you realize it is because you are irresponsible enough to ride a bike without brakes.
you know your griend didn’t get hit by a car, right?

He hit the car.

Honestly, I think it’s a bit crass to start a thread about this, in light of all the people around here actually getting hit by cars and the thread about the couple getting killed leaving the child without parents.

If your boy’s tragic failure to build a non-janky conversion, which led to his inability to stop his vehicle, and an accident where everyone walks away, gets little sympathy around here… don’t be shocked. This forum has hated on janky conversions from day one. I can’t speak for everyone here, but part of the facepalmness of looking in the jackass thread is envisioning the owners of the bikes actually riding them, and picturing the inevitable situations exactly like the one you described occurring.

i seriously doubt the insurance company would waste the time to track your friend down and pay for the damages. it would probably cost them more than the repairs to have employees research it. nonetheless, your friend is lucky that he didnt get seriously injured and that he (probably) wont be pursued by the insurance company to pay for the damages he caused. he should learn to keep his bike properly maintained and he should probably use brakes.

No, no, you’ve got it all wrong – it’s not her fault, but not his either. So we’re cool, right?

Don’t be such a backseat driving little bitch. You weren’t there. Any of us could have done worse, I’m sure.[/quote]

this guy has limited experience, a mechanically unsound bike, no failsafe and no idea what the fuck to do when faced with an oncoming threat and no obvious way to stop. unless i misread the OP, it sounds like it was totally his fault and totally preventable.[/quote]

this x100

also, it’s not just a brakeless thing. give this guy a stock motobecane messenger… he has a normal gear ratio, a proper chainline. he’s still brakeless and inexperienced riding fixed, so maybe he just hits a parked car or a curb instead of completely blowing through an intersection.

fuck, what if he had T’d another biker instead of that Altima? i’m glad he’s ok. i can’t speak to any sort of insurance policy shit. but this crash sounds like the result of like half idiocy, half bad luck (which resulted from previous idiocy)

I don’t really think Spacetime was ever trying to insinuate that it wasn’t his friends fault. I think he may have even said in an early post (too lazy) that it was likely his fault?

SO many people got super pissed at this thread and I dunno why?

Spacetime isn’t denying anything? His friend had a conversion with a QR and no brakes. Shit happens?

Why’d everyone start getting so mad?

i blame the naked, bloody scabbed ass

that just soured the mood

he started playing holier than thou about safety and responsible, and at the same kept demonstrating how stupid his friend was/is: bike set up, photos, and got pissed when we agreed with his statement that it was his friends fault.

was semi-tempted to start a thread saying my friends brakes failed and went off a cliff…to see if people would say he was a jackass for not wearing a parachute

pretty sure everyone riding brakeless realizes that their chance of getting badly hurt increases by a heap, but the chance of something like this happening is extremely small, the guy admitted fault, what more do you want

lighten up