Hip packs

Have you used one before? A bunch of my friends have them, I need to get my own.

As long as you take a good swig after opening you don’t spill nothing even in minor gnar.

A huge benefit really is just being able to carry an unopened can or bottle on the bike until enjoytiem. I don’t know if you’ve noticed but normal bottle cages fucking destroy cans, and only sort of work with big bottles.

I usually wait till I’m done riding to start drinking.
Unless multiple bars are involved.

Well obviously you’re doing it wrong Rusty.


That thing only holds one can! What fucking good is that. Step yo game up.

oh and mine plays slayer as well.

the slayer clinches it.

and no, i haven’t used one. don’t want to drop coin on anything i don’t trust to work. maybe if i could borrow one.

i also seem to have worse luck than other people when it comes to carrying things nicely on my bike. i had to leave work early a few months back because a bungee on my cetma flew back and hit me in the eye, rendering me with one useless eye for the rest of the day. other guys i know will toss their bags in their baskets and ride around like that, i have to strap mine in (when i tie a mail tub to my cetma) or else it flops everywhere or straps get in the wheel…if i’m drinking coffee with one hand, it gets all over my arm. et cetera. i just don’t really trust anything i put on my bikes to stay in one spot.

My friend has one on his polo bike, it seems to work really well but I haven’t personally tried it. The way it straps to the frame seems real legit. I’m no fan of bungees either, its too easy for the hooks to come off, so I use old tubes and tie them. Only had one come off once when I tied a really lazy knot but that was on the 70mile ride and it was after about 65 miles that it finally undid itself over a big bump. I like to just keep a few lengths tied at various parts of the rack w/ different tensions so I can just stretch the tubes up and cram whatever I need to hold under the tubes. if you want to keep using bungees make sure you bend that hook so its harder to pop lose.

[quote=beargrinderrrrrr]the slayer clinches it.

and no, i haven’t used one. don’t want to drop coin on anything i don’t trust to work. maybe if i could borrow one.

i also seem to have worse luck than other people when it comes to carrying things nicely on my bike. i had to leave work early a few months back because a bungee on my cetma flew back and hit me in the eye, rendering me with one useless eye for the rest of the day. other guys i know will toss their bags in their baskets and ride around like that, i have to strap mine in (when i tie a mail tub to my cetma) or else it flops everywhere or straps get in the wheel…if i’m drinking coffee with one hand, it gets all over my arm. et cetera. i just don’t really trust anything i put on my bikes to stay in one spot.[/quote]
You could get a bungee net. If you zip tie one end of the bungee (or bungee net) across the front rail, if it pops out itll shoot forward rather than at your face.

or these http://www.amazon.com/Highland-9419200-Camouflage-Carabiner-Bungee/dp/B001IGEMC2

i’ve thought about using tubes, just seems like it’d be hard to tie it tight enough without making it hard to untie/pita to deal with if you’re doing a bunch of short runs. unfortunately, it just doesn’t seem…the right fit for me. nor does the net. just gotta be careful.

but that’s just one example–i guess i’m just a rough rider or something, i bet it totally spill most of the beer if i use one of those holsters.


These are actually pretty goddamn terrific for basket duty, GP didn’t add a hidden turd in his usual way. I think I paid less for mine but I’d pay the current price knowing how well they work on and off the bike.

I keep a bungee net in mine for megaoverflow but rarely use it unless I’m picking up both firewood and booze and still want to get high-volume but low-weight chipsnack too.

I agree with the use a musette post.


A lot of people don’t know this, but you can put your weed in there

Check off topic for free hip pack :slight_smile: