Hydration packs.

dudes I rode with in Tokyo rocked the fanny pack. Skinny austrian most notably. Traveling teacher. Taught lessons in bike shoes and lycra. He was kind of awesome in all the best possible ways. I’ve thought it was cool since he did it. This was like 06? Somehow some way old guy fashion ends up coming back.

Hell, I even see hypebeast kids rocking birkenstocks with wool socks now.

[quote=Reasonable Facsimile]
This. Although kinda worried that the soda might assplode.
I don’t have any ink but holy shit I’ll never sport that edge jock thingy…
Will experiment with sodas/n.a beer on today’s mtbro ride!

[quote=CheshireCat]dudes I rode with in Tokyo rocked the fanny pack. Skinny austrian most notably. Traveling teacher. Taught lessons in bike shoes and lycra. He was kind of awesome in all the best possible ways. I’ve thought it was cool since he did it. This was like 06? Somehow some way old guy fashion ends up coming back.
this old guy (70yo) who consistently crushes me on every brevet wears a fanny pack on 300+

[quote=turpencat]oh man there are so many delicious post ride treat drinks that work perfectly fine as far as making my face full of smiles.
the best coffee creamer

yeah, this normcore shit is really in right now, like the acid-washed thrift-store mom jeans thing that started about three years back. Chaps my jimmies but I’m excited that more people will know the comfort of birkenstock clogs and wool socks.

TC I need a new pair of birkinstocks to wear around the house.