I'm new!

Fuck you and your enormous conversion you fucking asscock. :bear:

you’re a fucksuck.

suck a fuck?


Dear Fellow Tarck Bike Enthusiast,

I am very pleased to have the opportunity to extend a warm welcome to you as you begin your posting career at tarckbike.com. I would like to wish you every success and I hope that you will enjoy a happy and fulfilling messageboarding career here.

Key to success for any individual commencing new member status is appropriate support during the first months. The induction process is dedicated to enabling the provision of this support both within your threads/posts here and on a internet wide basis.

Shortly after your arrival I will invite you to an event that I hold for all new messageboarders. At this time I hope to give you an overview of the structure and format of the site and share with you our vision for the future. There will also be the opportunity to meet messageboarders from various other areas of the Internet. Induction is not a one-off process and we hope that you will be able to benefit from development opportunities throughout your posting career through either formal, structured programmes and events or informal ad hoc activities.

Tarck Bike prides itself on providing a learning, teaching and research environment that is second to none and there is only one way of achieving this which is through the quality and commitment of our staff.

Once again, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you every success in your role this shithole forum.

With best wishes,


You take that back, right now asshole.

With best wishes,


Who the hell do you think you are!?

Fuckin n00bs

With best wishes,


Who the hell do you think you are!?[/quote]

can you read? VICEfuckingCHANCELLOR

yea with 94 post.
You have to be a sock puppet of someone, there is no way a real person is this dumb.

it’s cute how you follow me around.

and 97, yo…

Can we lock this thread and please swing the banhammer round for this snaketard.

you’re pretty serious dude, remember…


No way. It’s like watching clash of the titans. We gots our loveable verifiably cajun sensation vs snarky snake new guy lookin to shuffle up the peckin order.

i like how in a few short months we have gone right back to our BF tactics

[quote=“danger_scott”]yea with 94 post.
You have to be a sock puppet of someone, there is no way a real person is this dumb.[/quote]

i said the same thing at 1:19 this morning in the sara palin thread.

we rule.

eat a dick
