Juan Pelota Finally Caves

So glad I DGAF about pro racing.

Does anyone know how this affects Bontrager Livestrong, since Lance is a co-owner? Will he have to get out for the team to continue?

[quote=jimmythefly]He’s got a limited number of years on this earth, and I’m thinking he finally figured that he would rather stop playing their games now and just spend the rest of his days explaining how he won 7 tours, never failed a test, and fought it for 10(?) years before realizing the other side would never let it go.

This is right on.

What about all his teammates who testified against him? From what I gather, Lance was a complete prick and just got a lot of people so angry they were fine with him being taken down. You heard the story about dumping someone’s doping blood into the toilet right in front of his face, right?

[quote=littletinyfish][quote=jimmythefly]He’s got a limited number of years on this earth, and I’m thinking he finally figured that he would rather stop playing their games now and just spend the rest of his days explaining how he won 7 tours, never failed a test, and fought it for 10(?) years before realizing the other side would never let it go.

This is right on.[/quote]
he’s effectively become a human shield for that era of cycling. martyring himself (either knowingly out unknowingly) for the saddle of today’s peloton.
it’s all really such bullshit.
stop digging through the past and concentrate on the future.

Do tell

I should be clear that I’m not saying I believe he’s clean/not clean/in between. I’m just speculating on his reasoning for choosing this point to stop answering their phone calls.

Bruyneel still has a hearing coming up, right? Some stuff could come out then.

Not that anyone is doubting his asshole credentials, though

Do tell[/quote]

Asshole or not, it makes no fucking sense to be wasting resources chasing this motherfucker for offenses committed 7-14 years ago with the ultimate aim of naming a lower-profile doper the new winner of the 1999 Tour de France. It’s weird, man.

I was nervous but then relieved to find out that my bike still worked this morning. Got me to and from work today, will get me to and from the bar tonight – all silly, drunken three mph (4.82 kph) aside, of course.

I suppose I’m a once a month pro cycling fan so, as such, will file under DGAF.

Well yeah, I don’t think anyone here is calling for his head or anything. The most recent round of horseshit has actually made me feel a bit sympathetic for the dude.

I’m sympathetic for the dude as long as he stays retired.

[quote=teach me how to douggie]in the '96 TDF there was probably at least two or three guys racing clean on accident
bought some bunk shit, lost it traveling etc…
those guys are the true heroes atmo[/quote]


From what I can tell from all the legal proceeding lawyer bullshit is that by forgoing arbitration, the USADA and Co. won’t have to drag all the evidence out in public and ridicule the shit out of him. We might never know what Levi, George, etc. told the grand jury.

^ That’s my take on the whole thing. I could be wrong though.

Do tell[/quote]

I forgot when it happened, it was in one of the books I read. Basically found someone’s cooler with their doped blood (one of his bitter rivals) and dunked it into the hotel room toilet.

I won’t call it canon until I find the passage again, so don’t take it too seriously - but I have seen it mentioned in more than one place. It’s hard to search for, though.

That’s some dirty pool right there.

Never fuck with another man’s junk.