Low Flange track hubs

Shiiit, yeah nipples…

I wish IRD would make a lighter version of the Open Sport. I’m still not sure how Mavic got it heavier than the Open Pros…

Word. Yeah I really want some true traditional box rim type stuff (Mavic MA2) but they’re a rare thing these days. NOS prices on eBay and blogs make getting the new stuff a better deal too.

Were you addressing me? Because I just said the same thing and suddenly it’s as if you’re repeating it back to me.

What’s the word on old clinchers? Something from around 1990? I read they’re not as strong or round as newer rim designs. Does it not really matter?

probably not as strong.
i had a rim a come apart. i think it was an ma2, the braking surface wasn’t too worn but i’m sure the wheel had lots of miles on it. one of the spokes pulled the rim apart.

Do they make a matching front for that LF formula rear? I was thinking of a similar wheel build either with matching LF formulas or an ultegra up front. Or I might just wait for a deal on the nashbar hubs.