Miguel's fat-tired fopmobile

Seriously though, what did I miss where buying a complete bike for less money is the option that doesn’t make sense?

Oh I’m not criticizing you or giving you shit for going about this in the less good way, it’s just that seriously, just buy a complete bike and save yourself an assload of headache as well as either

a- get an equivalently good bike for less money
b- spend the same amount of money you’re planning and get a better bike than you could do buying piecemeal

Also aluminum is p. awespme in MTB format

If you’re gonna ask stupid questions and not listen to any of the good answers you get, you can fuck right back to Vallejo

well what the hell am i supposed to dream about building up while im riding my sweet new road bike and then my sweet other road bike all summer? this is what i do for fun, right? i have all the time to do whatever and saving up for something new is awesome. i mean, im now all “what color cable ends should i put on the new bike” as all other parts have been acquired (not really, need a chainring, saddle, seat post and cages)

it’s not a headache. i like bicycles, they’re less expensive than cars and way sexier than saving money for retirement.

I like bikes too. MTB parts shopping gives me a fucking headache though. YMMV I guess

2010 Bike with a rear shock size that isn’t standard and is a pain in the dick to find even though the bike is fucking made by a small little company you might have heard of called GIANT crew checking in.

Yeah, the complicating factor is not being able to demo something beforehand. People new to MTBs need to ride anything and everything they can get their hands on.

When I was getting back in the game with a full squish 29er I rode everything River City, FTF, and even Mountain View (in Hood River) had in stock.

yea, i dont understand proprietary designs either
except when they are awesome

i think it was a bad idea to demo the carbon foundry bike because it was really light and felt like i was pushing a road bike. then i get on the krampus and its like riding a cinderblock with wheels. which led me down a hole of $339 china carbon 29ers on ebay

but you recognize there’s a middle ground and it’s aluminum, right?


Not sure if you are still mad at me for bumping this with your question yesterday. Nothing hateful about expanding on your questions in your own build thread instead of taking over the general purpose mtb thread.

I agree with basically everything sneaky and asterisk said. If you have any budget and aluminum full squish is going to give you more fun per buck specced with alivio than a carbon HT specced with XTR. Riding multiple mtb’s is going to give you a much better perspective than reading into others impressions or technical data. I promise we want you to start riding and having fun instead of worrying details before you have experienced the things that are going to let you make good decisions.

Kona hardtail 29ers can be found on the cheap, pair it with an xfusion fork.

Go slx dangler, whatever gorilla, xt shifters, newest Deore brakes (you lose the ceramic pistons of the slx, but you can still fit ice tech pads later and you still get servo-wave goodness). Crank set is pretty much whatever, I guess slx if you want a decent double. I’m using some e thirteens that are a crap shoot since the first bearing reload design was a mess. New design isn’t bad.

DT 350 hubs. I’m a big fan.

Get your shit tubeless. I’m pretty over stans, WTB is doing shit right for very little money.

On that note WTB TCS tires have been good to me, and they’ll bro deal you out if you still have that shop connection. Otherwise German site schwalbe is probably the best option

I dig race face for cockpit stuff. And I like the fizik Gobi and WTB Silverado for some saddle suggestions. I still recommend the dropper post, but a qr clamp is cheap and has done the job for ages.

Can you please explain why one would use a dropper post? I don’t get it

For getting yer ass low/over the back of the bike for gnar descending.

They also get the seat out of the way for jumping and times you are standing on rough terrain with lots of moving fore and aft to pump or to keep balance.

Mig… I’ll bro deal you a 2013 EL Mar 2 complete if I have your size left and we can just move on from this.

It makes going down fun.

Because it allows you to move your weight around over the bike

Without bein all

Silly DH pajamas optional and actually not recommended tbh