New 2009 Fuji League. Opinions.

Oh that’s just naaaasty.

Hmmmmm, maybe he’s right. Go cut mah lawn, boy!

Hey Jacques might not be as poor as he lets on to be. He can afford to blow his money on luxury’s like a new Tarckbike cap. Kinda funny how he is between tx_what_it_do who probably had to mow a few extra lawns to pay for one and hanjin, the ultra-rich “lame in his book” American.

What are you trying to say?


I’ve never actually seen your face and have no idea what you look like. My post was ironic and intended at pointing out how blatantly racist it is to dismiss a person because of their ethnicity/heritage. I’m disappointed you weren’t able to see that.

i was just breaking balls. french isn’t a race. is it? iunno. jewish is a race from what i understand. arabic as well. french people just look white to me iunno never gave it that much though. justice is fun to listen to.

and yea it’s also great to dismiss someone as “trying too hard to impress people” just because they ask for opinions before purchasing an expensive bike at a discounted price. i’m disappointed you haven’t seen that yet. you may be a cool dude and i’m just breaking balls but when you throw on accusations like that without questioning, you come off as a pious asshole. now i’m saying that’s just what it looks like. i’m not going to sit and call you a pious asshole without you trying to explain yourself. see what i did there?

and you know how many fucking skateboards i had to put together to afford that tarckcap?

like 3.

Arabic is a language. Arab is the race.

gotcha. i just say arabic because in my head it means originating from… arab… iunno.
like if someone is half egyptian and half puerto rican, can you say they’re half arabic? iunno in my head it sounds right but it’s probably not.
for the longest time i didn’t know “paki” was a racial slur. all the pakistani kids refered to other dudes as “hey you meet the new paki guy? or maybe he’s desi…” and there was a place in front of my house that sold “paki groceries” and halal meat and stuff.

If someone is half Egyptian, they could consider themselves an Arab or not. Arab is a pretty loose term, but the point is you don’t refer to a person as “Arabic.” It’s not offensive or anything, though.

sorta like saying all Texans are retarded?

Yeah kinda like most Australians are descended from criminals.

What are you trying to say?[/quote]

Come one you can read between the lines. Public school couldn’t have been that bad in Canada. Anyway not nearly as bad as some here.

hanjin drops the ball!

Those are ethnic groups.

My opinion was solicited and duly given, sorry if I was “harsh”.

french is a nationality, jewish is not a race, arabic is a language.

btw, what happened to toki? everything you wrote was funny because i imagined it sounding like toki wartooth.

Those are ethnic groups.

My opinion was solicited and duly given, sorry if I was “harsh”.[/quote]

yea it was a blunt and came off as pretentious. surely if you read the post a lil moar you wouldn’t have tossed that shit out there. i’d like to think people on here aren’t total douches.
we can haz be friendz now plz?

and i dont know hwat happenned to toki. i’ma fix it right now.

Any idea what kind of stem that is? I like that it has dual allen bolts on the bottom to make bar removal nice and clean. SE uses the same stem on the draft is think. (the green, yellow and wood bike)