That s ride profile looks pretty nice
All the group hierarchy is so weird now. Like 1x10 Microsoft sword is more expensive than 2x11105 ? Sensah 2x10 is 10s SRAM compatible? I can’t follow it all anymore. There is so much very very good used SRAM road floating around. GRX is excellent. Robo shifting is fairly common.
I guess I just don’t know who’s looking for 9s replacement stuff at this point. Masochists or weird mid-school retro grouches? This just seems very late to the party.
I think 9s was just around for a long time and cross compatible, yeah?
I think it’s mainly to swap out dead shifters. A lot of old 9/10 speed bikes out there. Sure it’s not much more to get a group set but people want to keep their bike going for the lowest cost
yeah feels like at least once a week there’s someone on r/bikewrench dismayed that they can’t easily buy replacement shifters for their 9-speed Ultegra or Dura Ace bike that they’re still riding every day
They are just being dumb snobs. Hooking up R3000 Sora shifters to an older Ultegra drivetrain feels incredible.
All the crap of Sora and Claris is in the derderders.
I still got my XTR 3x9 speed trigger shifters. Damn are they the best things ever. Though I wish they had trim.
7700 dangler + 10sp non-series shimano pusher + 6600-G shakes is magnificent once you squirt some wd40 into the shakes bc of the ancient gunk. everything else is faff
Just imagine how much it jams up Grant & Co.
I think that Grant & co abhor the whole idea of indexed shifting, so all the discontinuation of the 8 & 9 speed shifters does is give them schadenfreude.
This is interesting. My musings on why the KARA-TT-E MONKEY was so fast have always landed on two things. The massive fork clearance on the surly fork with the HED trispoke (very HOPE-like) and the very compact small-triangle frame design. The first time I broke 60 mins for 40 kms was by quite a margin and was on a borrowed Giant TCR with very compact geo. And yet compact frame designs do not seem to be popular with TT bikes. I know frame design is a trivial part of the total but it might be that compact frames worked well with my “compact” legs.
“The long reach and low stack geometry purportedly helps further channel the air under the rider.”
Long and low, ok
Still need a rider who can hold the long and low position+power output
“TheFalcon 300 RR required 361 watts to sustain a speed of 50 km/h.“
Good news for guys on zwift

Also, hiding a lot of the frame behind the front wheel is a thing
I’ve watched a few vids on the TooT and the consensus seems to be to take their claims with a grain or more of salt.
That is an amazingly unattractive bike – it looks like it’s being aimed at the triathlon market.
Small frame so they don’t fall as far
GCN said it was basically a first gen TCR with an extra long stem.
It’s a modern Orc setup sans front rack.
Yes, I dont think I see more outrageuous BS in any realm than that in the aero world, which I still keep an eye on. Even some of the supposedly legitimate stuff seems crazy, like the gains from actually shaving your legs or having an aero sectioned handlebar.
Yeah, at first glance it looks a lot like the emergency randonneuse, but looking again the streamlined frame, the weird blob at the top of the seat tube, and the aero fork blades are just wrong.
The stem is pretty whack, too, though I csn’t hold that against the bicycle unless the steertube is some sort of proprietary nonsense.