Pro cyclings

my coworker’s sun was out riding the course just behind this kid and was with him when he died.
it’s been a heartbreaking week.

Holy shit the end of Amstel Gold.



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Holy shit indeed

That was juicy

Best season, thus far, of professional road cycling

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Holy crap what a race. My wife called it like 20 km out (we’re about to be homers). I picked Alaphillipe at the start of the day and was confident in my choice up until maybe 50 m to go. Looked like he forgot about everyone except Fuglsang.

I agree. Hopefully they can find a balance. Would a full road season benefit them at all if they are mostly just Classics guys? Are there any teams that span MTB, Cross, and Road?

Cross, schmoss. Full road seasons. Wout could someday win all 5 monuments and the Tour D Suisse along the way. VDP is the kind of guy that could pull off being the rare breed that can win PR and a grand tour (not in the same year and that tour could maybe be TDF if it’s a Wiggins course). Wout could prove to be the next Gilbert/GVA but maybe better. VDP will mature into a stronger Dumoulin. Provided neither foolishly bulk up like Sagan or Fabu.

It’s funny, just last night I was talking with a friend that prior to this weekend VDP could have just been another Boom. Incredibly solid and good for a obscure stage race or grand tour stage but little else. His power AFTER the bergs is clearly a demonstration of something special.

vDP’s been talking about moving to road since I started listening to him, but I don’t expect that til after the Olympics. Who knows when this was published, but he says as much himself.

Yeah, everything I’ve heard says he’s gunning for a mtb gold medal.

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Lead-out: 27 seconds at 662 W (average speed: 35.5 mph/57kph)
Sprint: 16 seconds at 1,200 W (Max power: 1400 W, average speed: 39.7 mph/64kph)
800 m sprint: 43 seconds at 849 W


God dammit

Shite : (

What was that about? Did she delete it?

It’s about the ASO failing to step up:

Damn. Just when you think folks are progressing, they do dumb shit like this.

Oh Wout, are you really kicking this much ass, or did no one bother to show you how to dope with subtlety? Not sure I want to know.


Chris Froome crashed during a training ride today. It seems that he hit a wall after his front wheel was swept out from underneath. He’s badly injured. :frowning: