Randonneurs (randos), use metric for distances; it'll make them feel like a longer ride: rando chat‽

You seriously are far more efficient doling out the power on long days with one. I’m at the point I don’t stare at it for monitoring long efforts, but it dialed my perceived effort in. It seems like EVERYONE starts long rides off too fast and most pay for it at some point later in the ride.

that’s it, gonna look for like a stages left arm or something this winter.

maybe a DQ, but can’t you do this with an HRM? Or is the power meter more effective for some reason?

HR works, but not as well. Your HR/power will drift over time and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t put out the same power. It’s better to supplement power with HR to have a handle on nutrition and hydration along the way. That’s mistake #2 I see from my friends. They don’t eat/drink enough. I don’t have the kind of super rando rides others here have under my belt. I’ve done plenty of centuries and my longest ride was 140miles. I’m sure what I’m saying holds true for longer rides though. The concept of match burning is key too. That’s something discussed at length in PM circles. Burn them too soon and too often and you’re done. I find it much easier to let people ride off in front of me when I see the tempo jump and I know I can’t sustain it. Sometimes those shorter efforts won’t show up on the HRM until it’s too late.

I admit that all of this can be monitored by a cyclist that is really in tune with their perceived effort. That said, even the best get caught up by other cyclists they’re riding with.

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So true. I did this a lot on brevets. Eventually I learned to chill and view the first half of the event as a long warm-up, and that did me much better. I don’t use power, but go by the ‘how easily can i chat?’ metric. Works well.


but if you start off deliberately slow, you’re burning your chances to ride with faster people later

We have a happy grant, we need an unhappy jan

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Here he was several hours behind me in the middle of Saturday’s 600k

Jan wanted to take a “better” way out of the suburbs and “got lost” 10k in, which turned into actually being lost

He only spent maybe 30m at the overnight hotel and rode through the night. I spent 7.5h there half of it socializing, and finished only ~3-4h behind him (38:15)

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Not_happy,_Jan Prison island culture already has coverage. If someone was to photoshoop/gifshoop Jan as Jan we wouldnt be mad.

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a classic that entered the vernacular immediately

(TBH I’m surprised it was as late as 2000, it feels like something from the 90s)

Currently at 400/600 and I’m kind of pissed. Last ~60km involved a ~25km climb approx ~18-22hrs from 4am start time. 1 person dnf’d.

I’ll explain more at the end but I need the next 13hrs to go well enough

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Advice for doing my first century? Anyone done Paris-Brest-Paris? :woman_shrugging::biking_man:


You on the DRR 600k?

The SIR 600k I did last weekend was also oddly-paced and much harder than it looked, I think at least 5 DNFs for 30 riders in perfect cool weather: 2018 SIR Summer 600k · Ride with GPS

Reversing the RAMROD course was a great idea, but something about how it came together was tougher than usual

Just do it

Yes, 2015. And I can’t remember his sn but there’s another tracker who did it in 2011, maybe on a fixed gear?

Fixed gear, PBP that’s commitment

Some people like it. There’s 11k climbing fwiw.

@euclid is who I was talking about. He also did gdmbr single speed iirc

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That was Taylor Kruse out of Columbus, who has another euflavine.

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Yep. Really difficult course. I had a talking with The organizer about it. Basically descending Thompson pass at midnight after a 3am start and ~3000m climbing. It was type 2 fun, maybe type 3 had I wrecked. I rode with KH from 300-400 and with the fast(Er 1st day) group this morning from 425-475 but the rest was slowest dumbest myself.

I came in first at 37:44 with 2 sit downs and 3.5hrs sleep.

Basically, if your regular 300 time is >15hrs, you’re not finishing this ride