Road Frames

So I need a little help deciding on a replacement frame. I’ve got my eye on a few options:

BMC Streetfire

Scattante XRL Team

Salsa La Raza

Bottecchia CF 78 Team

I’m leaning towards the BMC based on and the aesthetics. I’d be interested if anyone has other suggestions.

I don’t know what you should get, but I want another old italian steel frame to replace mine.

Bottecchia! You probably love the BMC though, thug magnet design.

I’d go with the Salsa, myself.

The BMC Looks super cool! I was checking that one out a while back…

The only other comment I can make is about the Scantante.
I am currently riding the Scantante model just below the one you linked to. It is the XRL Comp. No Carbon seat stays. It is a surprisingly great bike. I got it in black and was hoping the decals were stickers that could be removed, but that wont happen. Ride quality is very good (probably even better on the “team”) I got this bike as a “crash Replacement” when I had NO money… Watch the prices on Performance! I got the frame(with fork and headset) for $175 total! that included tax and shipping to a local store.

I do wish that the decals were removable! I cant deny I feel a little lame riding on a Scattante!!!
Maybe its the $600 american classics wheels I have on that cheap frame ; )

i’d suggest you start watching the classifieds on road bike review. as the end of the racing season (for the east coast) approaches, there will be a ton of nice frames popping up.

beyond that, i would suggest you look at Bill Lewis Imports. He sells Quattro Assi and often has some really good pricing on very solid bikes that are, in some markets, pretty rare.

I would choose the Salsa out of your listed options

I vote BMC. Why? because I want the BMC and I want to live vicariously through you.

You’ve got me considering the 2008 Streetfire… this makes me hate you…

The BMC is definitely the coolest option. If you can somehow wait until mid-late September, you’ll be able to pick up one of those for even less than that. BMC is sold through Quality, and QBP always blows out frames at the end of the model year. Of course, you probably want to ride now. With your record, I’d stay away from carbon fiber.

my buddy got a BMC two weeks ago… this guy has had every bike imaginable given to him by his team… and he dumps them after a few months… anyway, he says the BMC is his favorite by far, thus far.

I’ve always thought these were pretty sharp looking. No personal experience though. $700 at GVH

I’m gonna try to get this old Faggin of eBay.

It’s bubblegum pink.

Faggin… hehehhhhehehehehe.


Sex = 2008 BMC Streetfire

Better Sex = 2008 BMC SL01 RoadRacer

gah… want…

the scattante is the best deal. i’ve heard only good things about those frames, and the price is great.

the salsa is pretty heavy. 3.8 lbs for the frame, 1.2 for the fork.

i’d go for the BMC.

Also hot for $700

Is that a nonreplacable derailleur hanger or is it just color matched?

Looks color matched, but yeah. It’s hard to tell for sure.

I also love this, but at $1300 it’s a bit steep.

why do you need to buy a replacement road frame?

The one I linked above is a leftover '07 for $529. The '08s are $775. There’s no reason to expect it would drop any lower than $529, right? I’m fairly certain the only change for the model year was paint.

Also with this ( compact geometry, I can expect the XL to fit something like a 61 c-c correct? I’m definitely going to go test one this weekend anyways.


that cinelli is sexy as hell. do it.