Rusty’s Sticker Exchange.

For some reason I had all these stickers made. If you want a some, dm me your address.



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Send me

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same; I can proxy or pick up from mig

also who’s your sticker guy?

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OMG I have a close friend who is a lentil farmer back in SK, I would love to send him some of these!


tarcklebee for best sticker 2022

(shove some extras in the envelope for Mig and when he decides on a surprise package for me he can include these as filler?)


Shove extra extras in the envelope and Blakey can surprise me with stickers when Mig surprises him with stickers.


Lentil as anything

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What don’t you have in oz that u need or want

You already have Tim tams and bundy ginger beer


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You’re friends with my father in law?


@LASER_BEIGE we get Bundaberg ginger beer at Safeway. I often drink the diet stuff.

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The bougie grocery has the ginger and root beer varieties near me.

how many lentils do i trade for a handful of stickers

what is the value of this sticker
in lentils

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1 tablespoon of lentils per sticker.

this isnt going to work out for you long term but accept the deal

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I mean maybe? It is SK after all. My pal farms west of Saskatoon near Vanscoy I think.

Gutted, that place was great and the staff seemed so nice but also had a might be getting fleeced energy.

apparently ‘pay what you feel’ applied to wages as well

Why did you feel the urge to make sparkly lentils stickers?