Those are great danglers. I finally broke the return spring on mine they other day and am not even sure if I can replace it if I find a donor. Looks tricky.
If you decide to get rid of the giant pedals, I’m your huckleberry.
Dammit I’m trying to clear stuff out, but when someone puts this on the neighborhood free list I can’t help myself.
Their pic was small and I grabbed it just based on being a cool Mrazek.
But then, my favorite vintage levers, in shiny silver!
(Along with SD1 v brakes in black)
Rhyno Lites, in shiny silver (pic doesn’t catch it, but they’re the polished version).
Track ends!? Need to research, I have no idea how common this is.
Dude didn’t even mention the hubs.
I need to drop off a 6-pack.
That’s the most Bend free pile score.
good week for scores
I supervise the Park Rangers and we had a patrol bike stolen. I know ACAB and all that
HY found this in storage
Now to find some wide 25.4 bar and a rack at the CoOp.
I need this!
Spoilers, last one threw me
sturmey archer
Woah cannondales are cop bikes too
HY Got a Giant XTC junior 26+ for the 10yo. Not particularly erocking on price, but kids 26 bikes aren’t super common and his birthday was yesterday while I was out of town.
This one
Did you take that shot with your coolpix?
And then you fix the pic to make me look like the asshole. Nice.
I was in the middle of fixing it! Give a guy a second to see the thing he pasted was broken, jeez!!
i finally got a really good score
i think it might be lighter than my road bike. he’s got some red ano theme and literally every component is super high end and crazy light.
I’ve been looking for an ssmtb to make riding with my son more fun and challenging for a while!
Was gonna say the other day when we folks were making fun of the prolly bikes that I don’t understand why people don’t just ride xc bikes for mellow off-road adventures. Dropper post no droppper post whatever. Mine is also lighter than any of my prior road bikes.
i might dropperize it? i might not. it’s 27.2 and i think it looks cool undroppered but i might change my mind.
I think I’m gonna get a SSMTB soon too. It’s been a while since I’ve had a real one and all my PRs in the park were set with the last one. Prolly has more to do with being 23 and in good shape but I’m blaming the bike for now.
I had that same model back in the day (albeit with a lower spec).