search the hoard: new wanted/looking for thread

Can you flip the clamp 180* so the rail sits above the bolt instead of below?

Mind blown

Eh just tried. Can’t do it there is a tilt adjustment mechanism that only goes one way :frowning:

Can get the modern dual rail version
Springy boi

HY get that Brooks! That thing is ridiculous!

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this reminded me that the new wife’s bike has that b66 springer on hers. pics in a few days in the appropriate thread when it’s all done.

TBF that’s basically what was on there expect moldy leather from the 70s. I dunno I got a pile of saddles and a new seatpole was $20 shipped. I wish I could get Brooks to work for me but it doesn’t. (Though nothing else seems to either)

i need:

15x100 27.5 front disc wheel
135mm qr rear disc wheel

i need them both to be musa af.

Want a handbuilt one? I’ve got a 15mm T-A front hub lying around that I could lace up to a rim for you.

for the ultra rare phil wood to velocity wheel build

I have a 27.5 15x100 wheel, dt350 to I think a wtb rim. Not musa, but a good wheel if that helps at all.

Origin8 is really the most MUSA brand if you think about it.

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Wait for the Origin88 rebrand


“In order to comply with new executive orders”

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this is kind of you but unless its a fancy musa hub it seems like too much work for this project.

ill send you a message regarding this, might hold me over and get this rolling.

Yeah, the one I’ve got lying around is a shimano. The offending rim is an A23, I don’t have a clue where wheelmaster spokes are made, and it’s (assuming I can cut and rethread the spokes doesn’t kill me) either those or some a n c i e n t used schwinn spokes.

It doesn’t take that long to build a wheel other than that, and I’d certainly creep ebay for a white/king/paul/i9 hub if money was no object and everything labelled had to be musa.

anybody still have any pairs of PUB 29" rims kicking around they’re not planning to build up? Preference for 28h.

found what i needed.


Anyone holding a 26.6 chairpole and a cheap mtb crankset in 175 lengthway?

I assume you want a normal bb?