Souplesse Casings and Bike Soup - The Tire Thread

Could have been the batch/supplier. The blue I’ve used came from Pacenti. It’s not something you can really see it’s just something that grabs at the rag a bit. When I’ve done a bunch of wheels in a row you see some white, waxy film on the rag.

I know I’m alone in this one but I only do one layer of stans tape. I haven’t used 8898 yet so not sure how it compares in thickness.

One layer cru checking in.

True confessions: the 35mm internal width rims on my Ibis have like one layer of 25mm tape that covers the spoke holes and the channel in the middle, but doesn’t go to the edges. Works fine.

One layer will fail at skinny tire pressure

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The only thing I have to add to this thread is: do not use the new finish line crap that promises it’ll stay wet for the life of the tire. It simply will not seal any supple tires, and I have my doubts about it sealing heavier duty tires too. Stores keep stocking this shit, and people keep buying it, but right out of finish line’s own rep’s mouth - it won’t seal “supple” tires.

Yeah this is gonna be a 2 wrap minimum job. Wow this stuff is thin. I might do gorilla tape with one layer of this on top so the gorilla tape doesn’t absorb the goop.

just do a triple wrap, don’t fuck with gorilla tape.

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Just use packing wrap and Scotch tape. YOLO.

Been fucking with gorilla tape since 2014. This looks super flimsy in comparison.

Gorilla tape is not as good. I been fuckin with both for a long time.

i use the blue stuff aka tarck special tape 8896 aka rusty’s sex tape
two wraps minimum. shit weighs almost nothing, why skimp on one extra wrap?
“sealant injector” problem is solved by buying the 8oz size of orange seal, which comes with a fantastic little squirter complete with flexible plastic tube. i’ve been using that for three years. just wash it out with hot water instantly after using it and it stays running clean.

Just seems like I’d need about 5 wraps to equal the density of one layer of gorilla tape. Don’t care about weight at all.

Just because you were using gorilla tape didn’t mean you needed to use gorilla tape (for the depth of it).

Oh yeah man you don’t need the thickness of gorilla tape. The reason it’s used as a kludge is for the strength of the glue and tape.

It is just what I know and seems in my biased experience that tires would be less secure on something else (slightly smaller bead radius and less coarse). It has never really done me wrong but I wish to investigate the other options to know for myself. Thought maybe two tape combo would be an interesting experiment. Kind of use the strengths of each–toughness of gorilla tape and non-porousness of the 3M.

I don’t yet consider gorilla tape a kludge but maybe after this I will?

edit: I’m using this on carbon rims and am reading that it doesn’t stick very well. Uh-oh.

TESA 4289 is the other non stans brand strap tape that’s available from multiple sellers on eBay.

O ya just came here to ask about it.

So this is the 100% Stans match yeah?

in my experience, 4289 is definitely stans. or stans is definitely 4289.
spider man pointing at spider man .jpg

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okey doke. good info!

Truth. Eventually sealant will get under the Gorilla tape and it’ll start to come loose, and then you’re stuck cleaning up gummy tape residue from the inside of your flat tire. I hate that shit and I don’t understand the appeal when competing products are demonstrably cheaper and work better.