Tarck Furtive 500

This is going to be tough to pull off.


i am going to try to ski a lot of distance during this time
not sure how much

Almost 25% done


Finished this off once with an idiotic ride in a small blizzard. Several inches of snow on the roads. Was at a local bike shop a few weeks later and the owner was like “hey were you out at such and such place on x day? My friend was driving by and said he saw some crazy cyclist riding in the snow.” I was really dedicated to not having fun on my bike back then.


I wanted to this year but its pissing rain here and I don’t ride in that. Zwift version maybe, will see how tomorrow goes

after @rancid_burple and i crushed a punishing 34km the first day, i decided to take the day off yesterday. i’m still on pace, right?


Last couple years, I had to do at least a few days on the mountain bike due to snow and ice. Doesn’t look like that’s going to be the case this year. Winter still hasn’t come to Denver.

Sure looks like it’s coming by new years though. I fly back to CO on Thursday and was hoping for a nice weekend… not looking to be the case.

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Took a deep dive into my various cloud image hosting accounts and found this 9 yr old “festive” photo


Ah good times


I’m like 210km in. Feel bad because B is stuck in the bedroom with the rona.

Hopefully a mild case. Was barely a cold for me, when I got it back before Thanksgiving. Shouldn’t have been lazy about getting the booster.

241 km.

Sore throat and a headache. She tested again today and still positive. I miss her.

I’ve only got 160 km in. My toes are not dealing well with the cold this year. I need to get some chemical warmers.

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90km yesterday. pulled the chute after 31km today, thoroughly soaked.

it’s highly unlikely i can pull out another 344km this year, but i’m here to fail and ride a bunch of base miles!


and curse ravva for making you consider doing so!!!

Yeah, I’ve got terrible circulation and have to use chemical warmers.

75% done. 126 km left. Current pace has me doing 180 by the end of the year, so I should be safe.


173km left. I’ll do like 50km+ today and tomorrow. I have Friday off, so 73km should be pretty easy.


I ticked over 250 km yesterday. At my current pace, I should be able to get over 400 km. That will top what I did last year.

Today is supposed to be a high of 30 and sunny, so I might be able to get a solid outdoor ride in.


44 mi/day through Friday will get me there. Work through tomorrow, hoping Friday is dry enough to get a good morning ride in outdoors… I haven’t been training this consistently in a while, yay for random goals that don’t actually mean anything but get me off my ass.