Nice tree
They’re too clean, I don’t trust him
Better add an endpoint to that collection
No white garage door, cranks in inconsistent rotations, tire labels- wait, this isn’t RBR, nice bikes - dig the Soma ‘Fargo’
I wish. It’s my neighbor’s. I’ve never seen it move.
That’s the goal!
What brought you here?
what do your sneezes smell like
A buddy of mine told me about it so I figured I’d give it a whirl, also I saw there was an endpoint thread which got me interested.
maybe he’s a lumberjack, pubes?
Some say that his breath smells of sawdust and that he’s scared of bells. All we know is he’s called Tarck Bear.
yeah and maybe he’s a phantosmia-havin’ ass mfer.
i’m not a nose doctor
Do yours still smell like cat piss?
yeah sometimes.
CyclingWMD over here with the cat/rat piss
Cabinet maker to be exact. Wood shavings do kind of look like pubes.