The Rivendell Rage Reader: A thread for the pure joy of hating on Grant P

My kiddo has been asking for a polaroid camera, but this might be even better. Not sure I want to give in to instant-gratification just yet. (Plus she has one of my old android phones that is just for taking pictures).


get it but dont tell her.
Then tell her you want to put on a photo exhibition with her in the house and go out all day taking pictures on a theme you decide on… print them up at a CVS, hang them up… get pizza and give her the camera to celebrate.


You get me


Welcome to my biyearly existential crisis of following a career of capturing things with a lens


My kids got a little low-fi digital camera that prints on receipt paper that comes out of the panda’s mouth like a tongue:

it supports hand coloring, “double exposure” printing and other fun hands on things.


My kiddo has one too, it’s a lot of fun.

i still have my gameboy camera that i bought around 1999 or 2000 or so. i never did get the printer. i haven’t fired it up in a while but if the CMOS battery hasn’t give. up the ghost, my childhood dog is the face of the juggling clown and there’s a super sweet photo of a motorcycle blurred by motion. definitely a weird photo or two of my best friend who ended up going off the deep end about 6 or 7 years later. it was a great format for a young me

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I love those little cameras with thermal paper printers. The problem is that those images are going to fade quickly (I have receipts printed on thermal paper that are mostly faded when I pull them out to do my taxes less than a year later). It might be a bummer to lose all the pics your kids take. The coloring part is cool though!


Start selling lomos

I overheard at the place I get my film developed a convo between the owner and a college kid who had dropped off a disposable camera:

“We didn’t make any prints because none of the photos turned out. You need more light or use the flash”

“Hmm, uh ok”

I’ve never had a not-negative experience with a lab owner

Where do you get film processed locally?

was CSW but both Wife and I refuse to go in there anymore. I heard a rumor of a nice new place in Wicker Park I havent tried. These days when I have it I drop it at Dodd and they send it out somewhere

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I bought one of those little digital pas cameras too. I haven’t seen any of the pictures yet but it’s been entertaining Roli all day so it was worth every penny.


Seriously, this thing is great. We went over to a friend’s apartment and they had so much fun with it! Roli’s pictures were actually framed and considered and his friend’s pictures are all motion blurred nothing.
Roli’s pics:


these are awesome!


Goddamnit. Take my money

Worth it atmo, I wish Igor had them when I bought mine so I’d be supporting a cool shop

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Can you upload to a phone or do you have to have a computer?