Tires vs. Skidding

Id like to know your personal opinions for tires used on fixed gear with regular upright skids to slow yourself down.

Ive concluded from internet research that people like gatorskins, everwears, and randoneurs.

ive never heard anything bad about gatorskins, people say everwears last forever but tend to blow out and have problems, and my friend has randoneurs but they wear out after few weeks.

Id like to try them all eventually for personal preference, but what do you guys have to say?

cheap ones.

I use Bontrager Hardcases. Way more rugged than Gators and they cost 10bux less at my shop. Plus, you can murder out the branding to say ‘RAGE’!

yep. I think in the battle of tires v. skidding, skidding always wins. You’re going to wear down the tire pretty quickly anyway; why not get the cheapest one you can find in the LBS? I could be wrong, but I don’t think gatorskins are preferred for skidding. They’re too expensive to replace and are preferred more for their puncture resistance on crappy city streets.

i dont ride brakeless, but i skid more than somebody with brakes should and i run a gatorskin. with that said, the gatorskin has lasted me about three months now and is still in pretty good shape. worth the 30 bucks.

This is the first time this thread has appeared here.
I’ve never seen one like it.

or “boner”

well i have some serfas seca’s on right now and i dont like how they skid.

[quote=“Rusty Piton”]This is the first time this thread has appeared here.
I’ve never seen one like it.
Are we already to the point that we get to complain about noobs not using the search function? Sweet

I hate my gatorskins.
3 Flats in about 100 miles, two in the same day (one front, one rear). The Goat heads here just laugh at the kevlar lining.
Goat heads look like this:

and are 1/4" - 3/8" long.

This has nothing to do with Skidding. Buy something cheap to skid. Run a nice front tire. (GP4000, Schwalbe Stelvio, Etc) and a $10 rear if you’re going to skid.

I love gatorskins, but I almost never skid and thankfully there are no goatheads here.

If your way into the skidz you should just start dumpstering tires.


i also grab any tire i can at the shop that might have a little life left in it. scored some nice michelin pro race tires a while back… lasted a day…


If your wondering, i did use the search function, all forums have them. But it was no help to me, i knew there would be some assholes on here that would point that out.

The bike shop nearest to me, which is a great shop cuts the bead of all their tires so you can use them… ive tried and ruined tubes, they blow when you inflate them. ill start looking at other shops.

Just any old cheap tire? or any favorites out there? everything cheap ive used wears out extremely fast with hardly any skidding.

Continentals are kind of tight I think.

As in hard to get on/take off.

I like how this guy is already calling people assholes. You’re ok in my book buddy.

wait what? they cut out the beads? i dont understand


The bike shop nearest to me, which is a great shop cuts the bead of all their tires so you can use them… ive tried and ruined tubes, they blow when you inflate them. ill start looking at other shops.


wait what? they cut out the beads? i dont understand[/quote]

cut em with a pair of wire cutters so they dont hook properly and will rupture tubes. Some bike shops that feel by not allowing people to reuse perfectly good tires they are damaging business do it. I found a set of pretty decent 23c armadillos in a garbage can at one of our LBS’s a while back that had been hacked in such a fashion.
I literally pissed on their front porch in disgust.
I hate that shop.

no offense guys, but why do bike shops owe it to you to leave usable gear in their garbage? maybe these shops see worn out but usable gear as a liability to them if there is even a chance of catastrophic failure, and render it unusable to keep it from coming back to them (like we do at my shop with damaged but usable frames that we throw away).

I don’t know why everyone says cheap tires are the best. Personally I’ve used cheap 15$ tires and they do not last 1/3 as long as an everwear that is 35$. Just my personal experience.


The bike shop nearest to me, which is a great shop cuts the bead of all their tires so you can use them… ive tried and ruined tubes, they blow when you inflate them. ill start looking at other shops.


wait what? they cut out the beads? i dont understand[/quote]

cut em with a pair of wire cutters so they dont hook properly and will rupture tubes. Some bike shops that feel by not allowing people to reuse perfectly good tires they are damaging business do it. I found a set of pretty decent 23c armadillos in a garbage can at one of our LBS’s a while back that had been hacked in such a fashion.
I literally pissed on their front porch in disgust.
I hate that shop.[/quote]

ohhhh CAN’T use them

got me confused for a second