Tour of California


[quote=“Brvn”]We JUST got rid of versus last week.

: /[/quote]

sucks. besides the occaisional cycling its a pretty pointless channel though.

Wat!? Where else can you watch ultimate cagefighting like 7 nights a week?

Plus hockey. Can’t stand the rodeo crap though.

ive just seen hunting/fishing and extreme sports crashes

MASH and the Tour of California

lol. That actually sounds pretty awesome.

fucking awesome.

My prediction is MASH will make being a roadie cool among the fixed scene… in the long run.

Being a roadie is already cool.

hipster roadies are the best

any word on viewing this thing online? otherwise i gotta start calling people i know with tivo.

Wotan posted the link. It’s on

shit… thanks. for once i didn’t read the whole thread i guess.

Being a roadie is already cool.[/quote]

I agree, and I think it’s been cool for a while. No joke - probably half of the guys I grew up going to punk shows with are now roadies or MTBers (or both, usually) - some are even mid-pack pros and Cat 1/2s. Using the Malcolm Gladwell model, these are the “innovators” or “early adopters,” and the kind of people whom merchants model their commercial versions of “cool” after.

Prolly, the Mash guys, and all the other fixed gear bandwagon-jumper-offers, would be considered “early majority.” The guys who read Prolly’s blog are the “late majority.”

Cool (ha ha) article bonechilling.

I’m about to go. If I take any good pics I’ll post them.


It’s on.