Tour of California

The coverage sucks. The announcers are terrible. Svein has the quickest time so far, but they’re just getting started.

wtf is this shit with the Indian girl? pretty damn awful.

I finally got this shit to work. I love the internet.

Thanks for explaining what a caption contest is, guys.

Holy fuck fabian is the man, although that is to be expected these days.

Least impressive ride goes to flandis.

I was too stoned to tell what was going on most of the time but I got a few decent photos. I’ll post them up when I find my USB cable. My camera battery died pretty early though :confused:

disc wheels sound awesome.

I guess I’d fall into this category… though the two appear to be mutually exclusive at first glance. For a good while before getting gears I had the full spandex, helmets and clipless going on but I’d be on a brakeless track bike, putting in my miles…

I think yuppie roadie is also a viable category. The guys doing full Rapha gear, custom (steel or titanium) road bikes decked out with either Record, Red or DA. Classy as hell, reeking of excessive disposable income.

Being a roadie is already cool.[/quote]

I agree, and I think it’s been cool for a while. No joke - probably half of the guys I grew up going to punk shows with are now roadies or MTBers (or both, usually) - some are even mid-pack pros and Cat 1/2s. Using the Malcolm Gladwell model, these are the “innovators” or “early adopters,” and the kind of people whom merchants model their commercial versions of “cool” after.

Prolly, the Mash guys, and all the other fixed gear bandwagon-jumper-offers, would be considered “early majority.” The guys who read Prolly’s blog are the “late majority.”[/quote]

So who would you say are the early adopters? The long-time couriers that started racing CX 4 or 5 years ago?

I thought these fuckers were going to be wearing jeans and riding brakeless? Oh well, can’t say I blame 'em… from the MashSF blog:

I think they were just talking shit and joking around in the article.

[quote=“dmotoguy”]Holy fuck fabian is the man, although that is to be expected these days.

Least impressive ride goes to flandis.[/quote]
nathan fabian? :bear:

Yeah, if they were really riding brakeless I’d think they’d need more than a couple tires each. Could be wrong, just my suspicion.

You have to admit, though, it’d be 1000% radder if they were in jeans, riding brakeless, and doing teh barspinnzzz…

Non sono d’accord…

I’m wondering how the mash dudes are going to cope with the climbs. I imagine they’ll be swapping wheels atleast.

I like the bibs with the carabiner.

was thinking about checking it out tomorrow.

But there’s a gun show in town, and that takes precedent.

i watched the first hour and a half - pretty damn boring. didn’t see any guys i really wanted to and i remembered how boring it is to watch time trials.

isn’t stage one supposed to be on right now? it’s not playing for me… anyone else?

None of the video sources works over here in Europe. Shitty deal. I’m stoked to see that Tuft is in the top ten of Stage 1 finishers though and will keep following results if nothing else works.

sorry if this has been posted

That’s kinda hilarious.

Tuft interview: