US Olympic Cyclists Representin'

Every Olympics in recent memory has been a fiasco, either with bribery (SLC), drugs (Marion Jones at Sydney), poor planning (Athens), or a total lack of public interest (Turin). This will be no exception.

Didn’t a pipebomb go off at the olympics a few years ago?

Atlanta. Richard Jewel got blamed, later cleared.

So they never found the guy who actually did it?

Eric Rudolph

Edit: I had forgotten that they did, and that it was him. Richard Jewell just got supremely fucked by the press and the cops even though he was never charged.

damn, that was 1996. 12 years ago. STOP MAKING ME FEEL OLD!

Get off your own lawn, old guy. Did I just blow your mind?

for what its worth, haile has asthma and this, combined with the air quality, is why he withdrew

i’m pulling for germany

forgive the pun.

I’m pulling for Kristin Armstrong in the TT that starts in a few hours. Hopefully NBC has at least a little coverage. Fucking online version doesn’t work on Power PC Macs.

i know its fucked. i have an old emac and i cant watch anything.

link this anyways…

Idaho Wins.

gotta be the mask

^I stood right next to her after she won the twilight criterium, watching the mens race. Her last race before the olympics.

So I dunno about you guys, but MSNBC has women’s pursuit on right now!

Mens Team Sprint!

Link this shit if it’s streaming somewhere. I CAN’T FIND IT. glah.

Best I can do for you is this

edit: Fuck . . . Just like that it’s over. Womens water polo

So faked fireworks, one man murdered, poor little singer girl shafted cos she’s ugly, Chinese gymnasts ages in question and the gymnast (last night at least) scores being marked oddly high for their performances (even the commentator was confused). What’s next? The new stadium is actually made out of paper mache? Is the swimming complex CGI?

How long until the bribery gets confessed?

It’s pretty lame what a big commercial the olympics have become. If you look through all that though, you can see some very highly trained athletes that actually do benefit from the monies brought in from all the shenanigans.