What did you do to your bike today?

Looked at it in the garage. I just got glasses today for the first time in my life, so I’m still getting used to them, and I was afraid to ride in them.

But I’ll tell you what, now that I can actually see totally clearly, my bike is more beautiful than ever. It’s amazing how much detail you miss when you can’t actually see as good as you think you can.

did nothing to my bike, but I built a couple mountain bikes at the shop.

you took it to the shot to get bars straightened?

i put randonneur tires on my beater that i haven’t been on in months, these tires make 48x16 feel a lot steeper than i remember. tomorrow i’m switching out the chainring.

you took it to the shot to get bars straightened?[/quote]

Mounted one of these:

…and moved my computer and light to it. It looks lame and kinda is, but now my light will work better and I have some free space on my bars. Then I went for a 15 mile ride with the girl.

Went up into the hills for 40 miles of sketchy icy riding.

[quote=“Janderson”]Looked at it in the garage. I just got glasses today for the first time in my life, so I’m still getting used to them, and I was afraid to ride in them.

But I’ll tell you what, now that I can actually see totally clearly, my bike is more beautiful than ever. It’s amazing how much detail you miss when you can’t actually see as good as you think you can.[/quote]

i remember when i first got glasses and i walked out of the optometrists and just stared at this tree for about 10 minutes. so many leaves, all minutely different and shifting in the wind. totally blew my mind

you took it to the shot to get bars straightened?[/quote][/quote]
Nah, she took it to the shop because she was hit by a car and wanted to make sure it was safe to ride. Crooked bars is all that was wrong.

I took the carboner out for 5 long tarck rides in a row :colbert:

looked at it and contemplated putting my bullhorns back on.

aww you used the name i gave your bike! This sentence was well written.

rewrapped bars
swapped pedals
installed computer
missed SJF alleycat

i fucking rode that shit to a fucking party and got fucking drunk then i rode that shit back and fucking threw it on my fucking floor and went the fuck to bed how do you like that shit what are you gonna fuckin do about that shit huh

Rode it 50 miles… got lost but used the new garmin to find my way home.

rode aimlessly for 3 hours in the middle of buttfucking egypt. all the snow that melted froze again while i was riding. ate shit countless times, hard, one time getting my wrist jammed in with my spok and fork (no idea how the hell it happened). i am now bruised everywhere and my wrist kills and the dustcaps on my MKS AR2’s fell off somewhere and my pedals have more dirt than bearings in them.

now i will make strap doublers and watch my spok spin for approximately 5 minutes.

Edit: #protestwordfilters

I destickered my sticker bike. Sadpanda because I really like a lot of those stickers, but they were just way too much.

I should finish painting my track bike.

Lubed the chain and rode some, the new 23mm i put on are quieter and faster than the 28s i was using.

Rode about 45-50 miles with the roadies on the CX bike.