What did you do to your crosscheck today?


If I were still riding steel bikes, I’d wanna crib the design.

It’s finally back in one piece and in full commuting form


Very nice.

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The steam is toots.

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Now that is a fuckin nerd chariot :disguised_face:


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praising gevenalle shifters? have we gone soft?


I have no opinion on em, for whatever that’s worth. I’ve never used em and I’m not sure if I’ve even seen a bike IRL with em.


Oh shit I didn’t even see the nerd warts. KILL IT WITH FIRE @adem


listen nothing about this bike is aesthetically pleasing


today i went into an anxiety induced dithering frenzy, reconfiguring three bikes, swapping wheels, handlebars, pedals, and tires to prepare to sell one, maybe two. also put a frame in a box to prepare to sell. the upright road bike i built up just isnt going to be a thing. theres no tire clearance, max 23. so the surly open bars go back on the rockhopper and the nice 105 wheels go on my wifes synapse with the nice tires and the nice pedals, bottle cages, etc. this is all in preparation for moving, which is so far away as to still be conceptual but my mind has focused on it like a laser.


I put aero bars on the Day Ruiner and rode around the block. Seems like you get to either have aero bars in the right place, or drops in the right place, but not both.


I ended an 8 month aero bar experiment a few weeks ago on the same observation. I think that aerobars for comfort work if you use big risers, but I’m not spending another $100 on a project that currently doing the opposite of what I want it to do.

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The nuance I found is that it would be way easier to account for the stack discrepancy than the reach (duh, your drops have to come along for that ride).

That said, my plan is to use them on my forthcoming fat tire fixed gear gravel bike (as is the spirit of gravel) so whatever the aeros will mount to should probably be terrible anyway.

edit: maybe those horrendous crust jawns new guy uses


Is this real life?


Thank you @jimmythefly

Pannier time :sunglasses:


This has always been true. Using a road bike for a TT always meant putting a shorty stem on it, then you run your knees into the aero bar pads.
The two things just don’t play together. I assume that’s why the gravel bike TT bar things are little nubs - you gotta scoot your elbows way back and not have the optimal elbow support to utilize an aero position with the drops in the right place.

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What’s your rear light situation -are both of those little guys on the seatstay bosses dyno lights?

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NDS: dyno B&M micro
DS: rechargable blue lug koma

I’ve had some questionable experiences with dyno taillights so I wanted to have a redundancy that stayed on the bike in an non-intrusive way


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those folks over at analog sure do love writing product descriptions

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